Despite what the weather seems to be saying, it is now summertime in the UK. This is the time for barbecues, beer gardens, and paddling pools. This new season also brings up the inevitable re-evaluation of your summer wardrobe. This can often lead you to realising you have not updated the sunnier side of your wardrobe in quite some time. Do not fear! In this article, we will look at some options for below the belt this summer.


It can be worthwhile having a plethora of shorts at your disposal, as often shorts can be more jarring than bland trousers. In practical terms, this means that pairs of shorts are more likely to clash with your other clothes. So, a large selection of shorts can help you with the chances of finding just the right combination.


Trousers are still an option in summer. Of course, you still want to find pairs that are as light as possible and won’t trap heat the same way jeans or something similar would do. Taking the time to find a pair of smart yet light trousers can be a saviour in the office during the summer months. Also, loose fitting trousers can be a great alternative to shorts when it comes to eveningwear and there is more of a chill about.


Lightweight socks that are very breathable is an essential in summer. Getting a pack of bamboo socks are one alternative to your heavy cotton socks waiting for you in your drawers. These types of socks are a lot less likely to become sweaty as the day goes on, due to their breathable properties. If you’re wearing shorts, trainer socks might want to be considered too, depending on what look you’re going for.


Outside of smart parameters, in summer your options in the past have either been trainers or flip flops. Men’s slydes are also an option. These types of shoes offer a lot of the ease of a flip flop, but without the awkwardness of having to hold the thing in place by scrunching up your toes as you walk. This can be a great investment for summer, as slydes are as likely to be seen at the poolside as they are out and about in town. Meaning they can go with nearly any summer outfit you might be putting on this season.