For almost a century International Film Festivals have brought together artists and their audiences. Today, these festivals are held worldwide, all varying in sizes, from small-town productions to international cultural attractions. These festivals give underdogs in the film industry an opportunity to showcase their talents. They have to submit their work to the festivals, and the event organizers will sort through them to see which films qualify for screening.

Attending Film Festivals

Attending a film festival is not only about the movies, the fun, and parties; this is also an excellent place to connect and meet new people, especially if you’re a budding filmmaker. Before leaving your home, you need to consider a few things and plan to get the most out of the festival. As stated before, these festivals are held all over the world, each serving a different purpose. You need to research the festival, the town, and the festival’s location before buying a ticket, assuming you’re not from the region.

When traveling to another country or city, you need to prepare for the weather, the laws, regulations, and the culture of the place hosting the festival. This is a lot easier for people who hail from the festival’s location because all they need to worry about is their tickets and budgeting pass. Coming from a different location means you have to consider alternative lodgings aside from the festival’s schedule.

It’s advisable to plan your itinerary since these festivals often attract hundreds if not thousands of people, meaning you may miss out on screenings and accommodation if you go in at the last minute.


Film festivals have a lot to offer aside from films. As a first-time attendee, the most logical option for you is to select some screenings for your itinerary. This way, you can enjoy the familiar feeling of watching a movie in a cinema hall. However, keep in mind that this is just the beginning; there is more to explore.

Use this opportunity to choose a few interesting panels to attend. In these panels, the facilitator will talk about filmmaking approaches, a film, or a specific topic that may interest you. These forums are an excellent way to learn more about an actor’s process or get the filmmaker’s perspective. Other forums may cover new filmmaking technologies or film genres. When attending these panels, it’s best to keep a notebook with you. This helps you retain notes on interesting topics.

Having a notebook is also an excellent way to keep track of passes, restaurants, and food stalls with the best food, or even store autographs.

Dress Code

Most people often confuse these festivals with galas that feature red carpets filled with people in nice suits and beautiful gowns. This is not the case for festivals. Here people have a little freedom to dress in what they feel most comfortable in. However, there are special premieres and screenings featuring some of the big names in filmmaking and talents where you may need formal dressing to attend.

When attending a festival, you should be more of a tourist with a plan to sit through endless hours of screening and walking. It’s best to bring with you comfortable shoes and clothes. You should always keep a bag of water, snacks, and medication with you at all times. Just remember to bring the essentials to avoid straining yourself with extra luggage.

Party Time

Film festivals are a lot of things, and boring is not one of them. Be sure to allocate a few hours to party with friends or even people you just met at the festival in your list of events. It’s not always about the panels and the screening at these festivals; you need to spare some time to let loose and enjoy yourself. Most parties are held after the screenings end in the evening or at night.

Seize this opportunity to interact with actors, directors, scriptwriters, and other attendees. Keep the conversations lively, talking about some of the films you enjoyed or loved, the forums, and other attractions at the festival? For a budding filmmaker, this may be an excellent chance to talk about some of your work. Keep the conversation open and interesting, talking about close to anything; you never know who might be listening.

This is also the best time to change into your best party clothes and enjoy a light moment with other party lovers. However, keep in mind that certain parties may need passes; be sure to check if you have the necessary entry requirements to avoid being shunned.

Film Festivals are fun for filmmakers, actors, and their audiences to interact and share more about their common interests. It’s also the perfect place for budding filmmakers to showcase their talents and even make connections that could advance their careers.