“I’ve only had a few drinks, it will be fine.”

For far too many people, these are their infamous last words. When you’re behind the wheel, a “few drinks” are a few drinks too many, and the consequences of drinking and driving are severe.

Don’t believe us? Take a look at these sobering drinking and driving statistics and some of the things that can happen if you disregard drinking and driving laws.

Fines, Fees, and Other Expenses

No matter what, a DUI is going to cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, according to American Addiction Centers, a first-time DUI can run you as much as $25,000 by the time all is said and done. Other estimates show the median cost running between $7,772 and $10,172 – which still isn’t’ chump change!

This doesn’t include the cost of any bodily injury that you or other parties may suffer or property damage expenses.

Expect to pay at least $2,500 for an attorney, plus the mandatory fees and penalties under your state’s laws. There are also things like jail costs, driving school, mandatory therapy, other costs associated with your probation, the cost of getting your license reinstated, and higher insurance rates.

Legal Ramifications

While the legal penalties vary from state to state, it’s common to get at least a 12-month license suspension for your first offense. You may also be required to use an interlock device on your vehicle for a set amount of time. This is both expensive and inconvenient.

There’s a good chance you’ll face some time in jail too, especially if it’s not your first offense. Any time you’re facing a DUI charge, it’s a great idea to seek solid representation, such as what you’ll find when working with Gordon Thompson DUI & Criminal Attorney.


Since a DUI is a criminal offense, you can expect to serve some probation after your conviction. During this time, you’ll usually be restricted from using alcohol and drugs or spending time in bars. You’ll also need to check in regularly with a probation officer.

Injury or Death

If these potential consequences of drinking and driving aren’t enough to stop you, consider that you could seriously injure or kill yourself or someone else. Could you live every day knowing that your poor choices took someone’s life? It’s just not worth it.

Stay Safe and Avoid the Consequences of Drinking and Driving

As you can see, the consequences of drinking and driving are serious! Don’t take a chance on making a decision that can ruin the rest of your life.

If you’ve been drinking, call a cab, get an Uber, or ask a friend for a ride home. It could be the smartest thing you’ll ever do.

Speaking of making smart decisions, there’s plenty more great advice where that came from. If you want to learn about everything from real estate, personal finance to marijuana, and vaping, we’ve got you covered. Browse through a few more of our blogs today!