Did you know that 75% of Americans own at least 1 dildo? Chances are, you’re one of them!

However, there are so many more exciting sex toys than just dildos. Are you wondering what else is out there?

Here are 5 different types of sex toys you should get for your bedroom.

1. Rabbit Vibrators

The rabbit vibrator is a pretty popular one with the ladies. This is because it’s specially designed to stimulate both your clitoris and your vagina — more specifically, your G-spot.

As you can imagine, the dual sensation can be extremely pleasurable! This is especially true considering you can control the intensity of the vibrations.

2. Bullet Vibrators

Maybe you’re not a fan of penetrative sex toys and you’re in the minority that doesn’t own a dildo. And the rabbit vibrator sounds pretty intimidating.

In that case, you should go for a bullet vibrator. These are nice and small, plus they’re simple to use. They provide external stimulation, which means you get to focus solely on your clit.

3. Clit Suction Toys

These aren’t as commonly found in people’s nightstands, but they can offer a whole different sensation when compared to other sex toys.

As the name suggests, this sex toy goes over your clit and gives you a nice and gentle suction over it. This can simulate the feelings of oral sex.

Some people find the feeling too intense at first, so a good idea would be to use it over your panties first. Once you’re warmed up, then you can use the toy directly on your clit.

4. Anal Plugs

For many people, anal stimulation can add a whole other dimension of pleasure when it comes to either masturbation or sex.

Anal plugs are technically a type of dildo, but are of a different category. This is because they have to be shaped correctly to avoid getting it stuck.

With anal plugs, you can get anything from simple designs to crazy ones that are shaped like things from fantasy books!

5. Couple’s Vibrator Toys

When it comes to sex toys, these can be a treat to enjoy with your partner. You put the vibrator in your panties and your significant other has a remote. With this remote, they get to control the vibrations.

You can either enjoy this toy behind closed doors or use it while out and about. Some toys are also so technologically advanced that you can use them remotely!

It’s a great option for keeping your sex life alive if you’re in a long-distance relationship. If you’re interested, then make sure you check out the toys from Pure Romance.

Explore the Different Types of Sex Toys

Now that you know about the different types of sex toys, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get shopping so you can add these to your nightstand collection!

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