You can ask women if they want to finally settle down and they will deny it. However, in their hearts, they are just waiting to find the right guy who will pop the question, so they will settle for good. If you have been with your girlfriend for a really long time, perhaps this is the right time to ask the question.

You have already known each other. You have been together through the rough times. Despite everything that you’ve been through, you have remained together. Nothing should stop you from being engaged.

Of course, you want the engagement to be special. You want her to be surprised. If you are confident she will say “yes”, you can make a big deal out of the engagement. Here are some tips to make this the most remarkable moment in your life.

Determine the location

A lot of people are popping the question in public these days. It is a good idea if you are really certain she will say “yes”. Otherwise, you are taking a huge risk of being the next guy who goes viral for being rejected. You don’t need all these grand gestures though. You can choose a more intimate place and invite only the most special people in your life.

Find the perfect date

You might have a very important date that you wish to be the engagement date as well. However, you should also be practical. If both of you are working, you can’t just set a date without knowing if she will be free. She might have also arranged plans with family members or colleagues at work. Finding the right date is really tricky.

Seek help

You want this to be a secret up until the question is popped. Ask for help from very few close friends. Let them know your plans but ask them to keep it a secret. They can help you in many ways. They can distract her so that she won’t suspect that you intend to ask the question. They can also help make reservations. They can even help invite guests whom you want to be a part of this celebration. You can’t do everything on your own, so you need help.

Don’t forget the ring

Obviously, this won’t be a special event without the right ring. This is like the centre of the engagement party. People are also looking forward to seeing the type of ring that you are going to give her. Others would even equate it with how much you love her. Therefore, you can’t go wrong when it comes to the ring.

A diamond is a safe choice, but simply because everyone has already equated engagements with diamonds. If you decide to choose another stone, it might be a huge risk. Take a look at Patrick Saada and Infinite Diam, the company he founded.

There are amazing options available for you. Just take a look at all the rings being sold in terms of size, design, carat, colour and cut. You will be overwhelmed. However, if you know your girl, this won’t take a lot of time.

Hopefully, this will be a successful engagement party.