Are you looking for simple ways to make your house smell good?

Of course, any home can look good and be outfitted in lavish furnishings. But, what’s a beautiful home without a beautiful smell?

To ensure that your home smells just as beautiful as it appears, it’s time to get serious about the aromas in your home. So, what can you do to make your house smell good? Read on to learn seven tips each and every homeowner can implement today!

1. Odor Eliminator

First things first, it’s time to target any foul smells in the first place.

After all, how can you expect your house to smell heavenly when you ignore the initial problems? Fortunately, odor eliminators are a simple solution for ridding your home of unpleasant smells.

Odor eliminators are small packages that can be placed anywhere from inside your fridge and pantry to your front entrance. While they’re often unscented, they will help to mask present smells.

2. Dryer Sheets

As it turns out, the use of dryer sheets goes well beyond the laundry.

If you’re looking to freshen up a drawer or cupboard, simply placing a dryer sheet inside the space will help to refresh it. Even if that cupboard is damp or nearing the end of its life, a dryer sheet will help to provide a fresh and lively scent.

3. Scented Candles

Of course, scented candles are incredibly cozy and romantic. But they’re also a simple means of inviting a pleasant aroma into your entire house.

Remember, you don’t always have to light scented candles to benefit from their aromas. Instead, you can place unlit candles anywhere from a basement to a linen cupboard. When someone enters the room or opens the cupboard, they’ll naturally be greeted by a subtle and inviting scent.

4. Greenery and Florals

We all know just how joyful it is to peruse through a summer garden.

Between heavenly flowers and fresh herbs, there’s nothing more natural and aromatic than greenery. So, why not bring the outside in and allow your home to smell like a summer garden?

Not sure where to begin? Anything from jasmine and lavender to roses and lilacs is sure to fill a room with a beautiful aroma.

5. Essential Oils

These days, essential oils are everywhere!

In addition to their beautiful scents, essential oils also carry a number of soothing and aromatherapy benefits. After all, essential aromas are created from plant extracts that, too, carry a number of health benefits.

For example, tea tree oil is known to have antimicrobial qualities. Because of this, it’s often used to treat anything from acne to fungal infections and skin irritations.

6. Simmering Herbs

Is there anything more heavenly than the smell of fresh herbs?

For this, all you have to do is simmer water on the stove with your favorite herbs. Some of the more aromatic herbs include both rosemary and mint. To take it a step further, you can also add fresh citrus or even flowers such as lavender.

7. Routine Cleaning

Did you know that over 70 percent of homes contain at least one variation of mold?

Even if mold is not visible to the eye, it likely exists somewhere within your home. This is why routine cleaning and disinfecting your home is so important.

To start, be sure to target your fridge, windows and garbage disposal systems. These are the areas of the home that tend to generate mold and create unpleasant odors.

How to Make Your House Smell Good

If you’re wondering the best ways to make your house smell good, we hope this guide has been helpful.

Of course, routine cleaning and odor eliminators are a great place to start. But, inviting great smells into your home with anything from scented candles and simmering herbs to essential oils and flowers will help take it to the next level.


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