There is a misconception in the corporate world that when people are wearing formal clothes, they gain more respect and they become more productive. To begin with, the idea that people are judged for their competence based on what they wear is too shallow. People should be given more credit for their actual work as opposed to what they choose to wear. Even if it is true that people gain more respect because of what they wear, it has something to do with the norms made by society. Therefore, it is not a fixed construct.

The point is that employees, regardless of the nature of their profession, must be allowed to wear the kind of clothing that they are comfortable with and is reflective of their true personality. The workplace is an extension of their personal life. It is not a place where they should stop being true to themselves so they can be deemed as competent.

The type of clothing people wear is a reflection of their personal taste and self-expression. It should not be confused with competence. Their ability to deliver on the job expected of them is what makes them competent. Therefore, even if they opt for alternative tops at work, it should not make them less competent than the rest. They could even do better because they are comfortable with what they are wearing.

The workplace should not just be a place for routine work. It must be a place where creativity is encouraged. People are enticed to express themselves, even more, when they can wear whatever they want. Of course, they should not go as far as showing their delicate parts, but at least, they must be allowed to wear regular tops instead of suits.

Even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg prefers wearing the same shirt all the time. The same thing is true with other more modern CEOs. The reason is that people spend a really long time deciding what to wear when their choices are limited by strict rules. They could have been more productive if they had spent their time doing something else.

Promote creative and progressive employees

For businesses to be successful, they have to rely on the quality of employees that they have. Employees who are creative and progressive are more likely to contribute to the growth of the team. They always think outside the box. They are not content with just doing the same thing over and over again. They also try their best to contribute to the quick growth of the company.

As a business owner, you would rather have these employees than those who are stuck with the same ideas and are not doing anything to improve themselves.

In the end, alternative clothing deserves to be seen more often in workplaces. It is a way for people to express themselves. As long as they can do the job well, or even exceed expectations, they should be allowed to wear whatever they want.