55% of Londoners feel lonely sometimes.

In a city where people are so lonely, you’d think it was easy to meet others who want to make friends or find a partner.

This isn’t the case, as those who’ve lived in the city for even a few weeks will know. Even though Brits are very friendly, Londoners can take some getting to know before they truly open up.

If you are in London and in need of a little love and affection, you’ll need to put some work in to find the right person.

Check out this guide to getting lucky and dating in London so you feel less lonely:

1. Start by Making LOTS of Friends

When searching for romance, you need to make friends first. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve just landed in London or have been there for years, there are hundreds of options for meeting people and making friends.

First, look at your hobbies and what you find interesting. Do you love art? Are you big into rowing? Are you an extreme sports fan? Do you enjoy running or cycling?

Whatever your THING is, throw yourself into it. Sure, Londoners work crazy hours and don’t have much free time, but committing ONE night per week to a new sociable hobby can help you meet people.

It may take some time to meet YOUR people, but by meeting lots of new people, you’ll be closer to finding those you click with than if you stayed at home.

Finally, when you’ve found a few people you vibe with, you’ll be able to go out with them to meet single Londoners. Or, maybe you’ll realize you have a crush on one of your new friends…

Even if you DON’T meet your new partner through your new network of friends, you’ll certainly wake up feeling a lot less lonely.

2. Build Your Confidence

Do one thing per day which scares you. You don’t have to start your London Lovin’ by asking out everyone you fancy.

Simply start small. Perhaps you’re always saying no to invites. Instead, start saying yes to everything you’re invited to (that’s right – go full on Yes Man!)

Next, write a list of other things which scare you. Have you always wanted to go into the local sex shop but have been too shy? That’s your next scary task.

Maybe you’ve wanted to chat to the local super cute cheesemonger. Voila – your task for tomorrow.

Why not join an amateur dramatics society to blend hobby with something that scares you too?

By building your confidence over time and doing something new which scares you every day, you’ll get out of your comfort zone. Hopefully, you’ll finally realize that asking someone out you like really isn’t very scary at all.

It could take you weeks or months but in the process, you’ll have done MANY new things, have met LOADS of new people, and be a confident Londonder.

3. Go to Events for Singles

There is NOTHING shameful in being single and don’t let society (or your mum) tell you otherwise.

If you’ve been avoiding going to singles events, then this is your next scary thing to accomplish. You’ll be in the same boat as many other singles, and no one will be judging you, even if you’re worried they will.

Sure, singles events aren’t necessarily going to help you find the love of your life. But, even if you spend an evening talking to people that aren’t right for you, you’ll have practiced your dating skills and the art of conversation.

Better yet, by going to unproductive singles events, you’ll have a better idea of what you don’t want in a partner. You will also learn the useful skill of how to leave an unenjoyable conversation.

Go into this event with an open mind, however, and you may be walking out with the love of your life.

Rather than going to generic speed-dating events, find ones which are aimed at you and who you want to date. For example, for those between 30 and 35s, for those who want to save the planet, for those who enjoy martial arts.

4. Learn the Inner Workings of Your Mind

If you’ve truly put in a lot of effort and are desperate to find a partner yet are still struggling, perhaps it’s time to speak to a specialist.

Does fear of commitment or intimacy hold you back from having a successful relationship? Such issues may be sub-conscious.

By speaking to a therapist or a dating coach, you can get to the root of your issues and begin to open up your heart to those who come into your life.

Perhaps your therapist will help you reveal that you actually enjoy being single and that it’s everyone else who is pressuring you to meet someone.

(If your parents are piling on the pressure, but you’re loving your single life, perhaps this website can help you.)

Whatever you stumble upon, working on your mental health is always beneficial, no matter what brought you to therapy in the first place.

5. It’s Time to Join Dating Apps

Remember, there are millions of Londoners who are feeling lonely and are in the same position as you.

If you’ve now made many new friends who haven’t introduced you to your Princess/Prince, it’s time to take matters into your own hands.

59% of people think dating apps are a great way to meet people. So, give it a go. Choose your favorite pictures and get swiping.

Tinder isn’t the only option nowadays and you can choose an app which reflects your personality, helping you to find someone more like you.

Dating in London Requires Perseverance

Considering so many people in this city claim to be lonely, dating in London certainly isn’t easy.

But, by following these tips, hopefully, you’ll begin to make your time in London a little less lonely and a lot more fun.

After finding your true love, wedding bells will be ringing and it’ll be time to plan a honeymoon. Check out these top beaches in Europe for a great getaway.