When the cooler temperatures of fall move in, it can seem as if your utility bills start soaring. Homeowners have enough to worry about without having to wonder how to pay their bills. Fortunately, there are a few ways to save this season without sacrificing comfort.

Switch Out Light Bulbs

At any point in the day, there is likely a room in your home with the lights on. Electricity may be the hardest utility to manage because we use it so frequently. But, instead of turning into a control freak that lashes out when lights are on, try switching out your standard light bulbs for more energy-efficient ones.

LED lights need considerably less wattage than CFL bulbs or the standard incandescent lights. Less wattage equals lower electricity bills. On average the typical homeowner will pay 6 times more in their utility bills than those using LED bulbs.

Replace Showerheads

Water is a necessity, but the amount of it used daily in a home can be astonishing. It is estimated that on average a person can use between 80 to 100 gallons of water a day on basic human needs, like washing and flushing the toilet. However, by replacing all the showerheads in your home, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. For example, a standard showerhead can use about 25 gallons in a quick 10-minute shower. A low-flow showerhead only uses about 2.5 gallons.

Purchase New Windows

Elegant new windows improve energy efficiency in your home in the following ways. They keep the warm air in and the cold air out, which means less heating is required to achieve a comfortable temperature in the fall. Therefore, your utility bill will be lower in comparison. Homeowners with ENERGY STAR windows pay approximately 12 percent less than those without. If you haven’t purchased ENERGY STAR windows for your home yet, you should highly consider doing so before the winter season sets in.

Also, be sure to work with a reputable windows installation company that stands behind its products and offers legitimate warranties for as long as you own your home.

Exterior Doors

Another major source of drafts can be your front door. If you’ve ever noticed that your door is warped, cracked, or possibly rotting, it would be logical to assume that outside air is being let in. To check for drafts, hold a flame near the door. If it flickers, even in the slightest, there’s air leaking through.

There are other options to consider if you can’t replace the front door straight away. Use weather strips along the door frame to help better insulate your home. Or, you can caulk any gaps or cracks you see until the replacement door is put in.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Most homeowners don’t realize the amount of electricity it takes to make their kitchen run. They underestimate how much energy the refrigerator alone consumes. A quick fix that will save you hundreds, maybe even thousands down the line is to upgrade kitchen appliances. You can find an array of ENERGY STAR fridges, ovens, and even microwaves to fit your decor.

Following our five steps will help you not only lower your energy bill costs but will also help you reduce your carbon footprint — both of which will give you something to smile about. Also remember to always opt for the best utility rates, to lower your bill costs. Energy comparison sites such as Electricityrates.com can be great avenues that can help you to compare the best rates that you can get on your energy expenditures. For instance, if you are a Texas resident, such comparison websites can help you find the best electric rates in Texas.