Perhaps the most challenging part of studying online is indeed the self-study involved. Taking notes behind a laptop screen isn’t the same as quickly scribbling notes in an actual classroom. Moreover, with all the readings coming from online PDF’s there’s a general sense of detachment, and things feel eerily robotic. It may seem unnatural at first, but online education is here to stay, given the current circumstances and rapid digitalization.

That said, online education has a few substantial benefits over traditional learning. If you’re looking for reasons to convince yourself and ditch the prospect of an offline degree for one online, you’ve come to the right spot. Continue reading for that final nudge!

You can study subjects that you are passionate about

There’s nothing worse than finding a great university with a degree that you are passionate about but being unable to attend school because of logistical issues. These may include not being able to commute regularly or not having enough finances to relocate. Losing out on your dream career prospects because of factors that aren’t in your control can be heartbreaking!

With online education, said logistical issues aren’t an issue anymore. You don’t have to worry about traveling long distances to your university or finding a place to stay in a foreign city/country. You can take classes online! Moreover, with the diversity of subjects available, you can choose from various topics for both undergraduate and graduate levels, which brings us to the next benefit online education offers.

Pursue your career and your education simultaneously

Suppose your field of work requires experience and higher education to climb up the professional ladder – such as careers in healthcare, community service, and business. In that case, online education is an excellent opportunity to hit both birds with one stone. Imagine working long, irregular hours as a social worker and struggling to find time to complete a masters degree. On the contrary, a masters in social work online presents a flexible solution to multitask and manage both feats simultaneously.

If you think you’re too busy to take actual physical classes while working, consider remote learning instead. This way, you can take courses during your work breaks or get home from your shift. Therefore, you work alongside your education, and you don’t have to worry about finances as much.

It’s less taxing

As you tend to lose a fair amount of time traveling to and from university, you’re left with fewer hours in the day to complete assignments and do whatever else you want. Tasks can quickly pile up, leading to stress and mismanagement. As physically taxing as commuting to your campus can be, the mental burden is no less exhausting.

With online education, you have a lot more time on your hands. You can prioritize your work and get it done faster than otherwise. Create a planner and start organizing stuff; you’ll be surprised to see how much school work you can get done. Moreover, if you have a wider attention span, you can probably multitask and do other things while taking the class! It is less of a burden on the student.

It’s usually cheaper

An average master’s degree in America can cost between 35-70 thousand dollars. That’s a whopping amount considering you would have just paid a fair amount for your undergrad degree. Money is a genuine issue when it comes to education and planning a future for yourself. If you are short of it, living on a tight yearly budget, or don’t want to die under ridiculous amounts of student debt, consider an online degree instead.

Online degrees, on average, are as much as 5-10 thousand dollars cheaper than traditional ones. For someone who is strapped for cash and has to think twice about the finances, 10 thousand dollars can be a game-changer. Plus, you’ll be saving on fuel and lodging expenses as well.

Disabled people benefit even more

The standard education system isn’t for everyone. A simple example is how spread out classes are on campus. If a student is injured or disabled, moving around campus can be extremely difficult. Plus, some might not feel comfortable. Online education, in this case, might be the better option. It gives the student the comfort to study at their own pace and in an environment in which they’re comfortable and not constantly reminded of their disability. There is less study-based stress, emotional stress, and little stigma surrounding disabled people who choose to attend classes online.


As we embrace the “new normal,” students need to get used to the idea that the majority of their education henceforth will be online. It’s a complex thought to wrap your head around as education has worked a certain way for centuries. Then again, that’s the thing about social change; it isn’t always easy.

With that said, perhaps the benefits stated will make students feel a little more receptive to the idea of learning online. The comfort and cost factors usually trump the others, and self-paced learning is close behind. Therefore if these points resonate well with you, head online and find a degree which you are passionate about. Enroll in the course, and before you know it, you’ll be ready to make a career for yourself.