Around 50 million tourists come to visit Paris every year. With a unique atmosphere, countless historical and beautiful landmarks, and delicious food, it’s no wonder that Paris is such a hotspot for vacationers.

With so many people coming and going, when is the best time to visit Paris?

Well, it all depends on what kind of experience you want. There are different times throughout the year where it’s best to go for one reason but not another.

Keep reading to find out the best time for your personal Parisian goals!


Shopping sales are regulated in France, so they only happen twice a year for six weeks at a time. Specific dates change from one year to another, but they always happen in the same general timeline.

The summer sale is most often in June and July and the winter sale happens in January and February.

Since these are the only sales that happen during the entire year, it often makes the shopping plazas more crowded than usual. The deals you’ll find make the trouble worth it if you can handle it!

Visiting Historic Sites

When people think of Paris, historical monuments are some of the first things to pop into mind. They draw in people from all over the world.

Finding a time where the lines aren’t as long isn’t very easy when it comes to the most popular of sites. Going when the crowds thin out makes it a little easier, but historic sites like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre-Dame, always have a line.

The best bet is to join a tour so that you get a curated and more organized experience. An Eiffel Tower tour, for instance, gives you a great view of the landmark without needing to wait around for hours.

Thinner Crowds

Paris is one of the top vacation spots in the entire world, so it’s difficult to find a time where there are fewer tourists. Summer and winter are the busiest times, so heading over to Paris in between those seasons is the best way to find the thinnest crowds.

April, May, September, and October are the months that tend to see the fewest tourists.

Beautiful Botanicals

Seeing the majesty of Paris amongst rivers of blossoms is a sight everyone needs to see sometime in their life.

The first flowers of the season coincide with the slower tourist times in April. After that, it’s best to wait until the end of May and into June to see the height of botanical gardens.

The Best Time to Visit Paris Is up to You

No matter when you go, there’s always wonderful adventures waiting for you around every corner in Paris. Taking the time to research the best time to visit Paris for your best experience makes the trip even better.

Even if you don’t know what you want out of a trip to this famous city, there’s something for everyone. Pack up your bags and enjoy the ride!

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