If the idea of moving keeps you up at night, you aren’t alone. Moving is stressful, and all the components can add up to feel like an insurmountable challenge. We’ll be honest—moving will never be a walk in the park. However, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare, either. 

Trust us, we’ve moved around a lot.

Keep reading to learn our top 6 ways to make moving less stressful

#1 Less Stuff = Less Stress

What’s the best way to make moving easier? Having less stuff to move! We aren’t reinventing the wheel with this piece of advice, but sometimes simple steps can make a huge difference. As soon as you start thinking about moving, consider how you’re going to consolidate, condense, and purge your belongings

Start with areas in your home that tend to accumulate a lot of unused items like your attic or garage. Then, move on to tackling individual rooms in your home. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t used something in over year, it’s time to go. 

If you aren’t sure what to do with items you’re parting ways with, consider:

Helpful Hint: If you’re moving into a smaller home, but don’t want to permanently give up belongings that won’t fit, now is a great time to get a storage unit

#2 Lists + Labels

When it comes to moving, organization is your best friend. There are approximately 1 million things you need to take care of in order to move, so keeping detailed lists will ensure nothing slips through the cracks. 

Breaking out a label maker may sound a little dorky, but you’ll thank us when you aren’t rummaging through your boxes for an hour to find your pajamas. There’s no limit to how detailed your label-making system can be. Try labeling boxes by item, room, or even drawer! 

#3 Know You’ve Made a Wise Investment 

At some point, you may start to question if moving was a good decision. Having a brief bout of cold feet is normal, and will pass. If you purchased a home, ownership can be stressful, especially for first-time buyers.

If whispers of doubt start to creep in, remind yourself:

  • Property is a long-term investment – Property tends to appreciate over time, meaning in a few years your home will be worth more than what you paid for it. Even if you owe money on your mortgage, you’ll still be able to get a return on your investment when you decide to sell. 
  • Your home can provide you with cash when you need it –If you run into a financial snag, owning a home is the ultimate safety net. If you need access to funds, you can use the equity you have in your property to refinance your mortgage, apply for a HELOC, or apply for a VA cash out loan

#4 Decide Who to Ask for Help

It doesn’t matter how strong or determined you are—if you’re moving, you’re going to need help. Luckily, there are several routes you can take when it comes to enlisting support. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends or family for help. They’ve been through the moving process themselves and they know how it goes.  

Just don’t forget to provide plenty of drinks and snacks!

If your move requires transporting a lot of heavy furniture or traveling across the country, you may want to rely on the professionals.

#6 Take a Break

Moving is physically and mentally exhausting. To avoid getting burnt out, take frequent breaks at every step of the process. Whether it’s a day off from packing, an hour enjoying a hearty meal on move-in day, or a night spent watching Netflix instead of putting up that bookshelf, taking a break will stop moving from taking an undue toll on your well-being. 

It’s All Going to Be Worth It, We Promise 

Following the tips above might not make moving stress-free, but it will make the process significantly less painful. When this is over and you’re breaking out the bubbly in your new kitchen, your hard work will reward you. We promise there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and you’ll be settling into your new home before you know it.

Good luck and happy moving!