A diploma of screen and media is specifically designed to teach you a range of skills to work in the media industry. You have the possibility to specialise for a specific skill set  such as music, film, social media. In this article, we are going to talk you through the diploma of screen and media in Specialist makeup services.

Specifically designed to teach you the skills to design and apply makeup for productions, films and photography, this course covers a wide range of topics to get you industry ready covering all the aspects of the makeup industry.

 Design and apply makeup: Design and apply makeup is the essence of what you learn for the diploma of screen and media but more specifically design and apply makeup for productions. Even if you are a talented makeup artist, the camera lenses, lighting and many other factors are going to impact the final result of the makeup you have created. It is also important to learn how to communicate with the crew and who to liaise with. Sometimes you might need to create a very natural style of makeup but because of the technology, you need to understand the requirements and products to make it work in front of the camera. Selecting the right textures and application methods are essential when working as a studio makeup artist. A diploma course will cover all the aspects of makeup from the corrective to the most creative looks.

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 Hair: You will learn how to create wigs and hairstyles! Makeup artists are often asked to do hair for films and productions. A diploma of screen and media online course will teach you the essential knowledge and skills to deliver hair services and design hairstyles which will compliment the makeup for your character. Designing hair is also an essential part of the creative process. As a makeup artist, doing hair and wigs enable you to create a full look and not only the makeup.

 Business: If you work as a freelance makeup artist you definitely need to understand the business requirements: how to invoice, market your services, reach out to new clients, and do your taxes! A freelance makeup artist will easily spend 1 day per week going through all administrative tasks. If you work as a freelancer, you will be your own boss and it is mandatory for you to have the knowledge of running your own business. The diploma of screen and media covers these requirements and teaches you how to set and maintain your business as well as creating a viable network as a freelance makeup artist.

 Special makeup effects: The diploma of screen and media covers special makeup effects creation and application. If you ever dreamed about working in film, having a strong understanding of special effects is essential! You will learn how to create injuries, bruises, broken bones to a level of realism suitable for film and TV work! Makeup has no limits in what can be achieved and it is not only to make people look their best! Learning how to create special makeup effects will blow your mind in what you can create!

 Establish and maintain safe creative practises: This is the main difference between someone who loves makeup and a professional artist. Applying makeup safely on clients and understanding the etiquette and requirements on the job will make you stand out as a professional. Hygiene is extremely important when it comes to applying makeup. You need to have a deep understanding of OH&S for makeup artists to prevent cross contamination or skin reaction and injuries for your client. Bad practises can harm your clients or yourself, this is why it is extremely important to follow a makeup course prior to delivering makeup services.

 A diploma of  screen and media specialist makeup services will teach you all the skills and knowledge to be industry ready when you finish the course. Taught by industry professionals who have worked  and continue to work in the industry, you will have the opportunity to learn from the best to start your dream career. You have flexible learning opportunities, online or on campus.

Being a qualified makeup artist will make you stand out and offer you the opportunity to work for all creative industries: tv, film, theatre, fashion ,bridal, performances, music etc…

Do not wait to start your dream career!