In an ideal world, a city would be something which was designed once, and stood the test of time. As is the way however, cities are a far more organic development than many believe, and each generation adds their own touches and services to the city which they live in, before they are outdated, and in need of improvement. Financial restraints and growing populations are often reasons why things don’t get changed as they so often should in a city, yet many of us are crying out for change. Here are some examples of the changes which your city could make, that potentially have not been considered yet.

Hydro Jetting Services

Kinetic hydro jetting is a revolutionary service which seeks to clean out pipes used for bringing water in, and taking waste out. Those cities with rat problems, foul smells and non-potable water, are often those which have never considered cleaning out their pipes. This can be done through a section-by-section process, ensuring that residents are not affected by the work. Hydro jetting is superior to drain snaking and manual cleaning, and leaves pipes in excellent condition. 

Trash Can Provision 

We should all be doing our best to cut down on waste, but we cannot deny that waste is always going to exist in one form or another. Cities therefore should recognize this and provide a larger number of public trash cans, with multiple options for organic, non-organic waste, as well as additional areas for plastics. Through this addition we can keep the streets cleaner and reuse waste better. 

Investing in Brown Field Sites

More cities should be looking to develop brown field sites, and put pressure on owners who buy up land and leave it many years before taking any action. These areas are places of potential and no matter whether that looks like a car park, a garden or a shopping center, it is important that cities recognize the potential here. A failure to do this results in the city sprawling out further, and appearing less developed. 

More Pedestrian Areas

Many shudder at the thought of not being able to use their vehicles, yet car usage is increasing at an alarming rate and it is ruining our cities. Owing to noise pollution, risks for pedestrians and of course pollution from the fumes, it is critical that more cities focus on creating pedestrian friendly areas, where cars are not allowed. Alongside this congestion charges should be something which every city does, which has been proven to work in reducing traffic and the number of cars on the road. Coupled with this however, cities must also invest heavily into increasing the quality and standard of public transport, as well as increasing no-car zones and cycle routes. 

With these improvements we can make our cities cleaner, safer and more environmentally friendly. Whilst some cities have taken steps in the direction of these ideas, many still fall way behind and require updating and modernizing.