Technology has changed every aspect of our daily lives, including our careers and jobs. It is constantly evolving and improving everything from daily tasks to job prospects. However, rather than technology becoming a challenge that you have to overcome to get the job of your dreams, you should instead see technology to help you stay connected and get further on your career than ever before. For most information on the best ways to use technology to bolster your career, such as taking online nursing programs, read on. 

1. Look at Online Nursing Programs

Whereas a couple of years ago, you had to uproot your life to study for degrees like online nursing programs on a traditional campus, this is not the case anymore. Instead, technology has made education more accessible by ensuring that qualifications like online nursing programs can be taken from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world. This can help you bolster your career by studying for the qualifications you need while working up the career ladder in a company of your choice. This means that you will be ready when the chance of promotion comes up. To find the perfect degree, you should look at selecting subject areas and the type of qualification you want to take. For instance, a range of online nursing programs are offered to potential applicants, which can help students take on specialist and leadership roles in nursing. 

2. Use a Digital Job Board 

Once you have taken a qualification, such as online nursing programs, your relationship with technology does not end. Instead, technology can help you to pursue the career of your dreams long after you have finished your online nursing programs. Most employers do not only advertise open positions within their office windows. Instead, digital job boards can help you to peruse both junior and senior roles in your area and on a nationwide level, and quickly apply for these. Not only can they allow you to send your application directly to employers, but they will enable you to send any queries that you may have, and give you updates on your application and job suggestions according to your recent searches and preferences. Additionally, digital job boards can save your resume on them, which means that you can send your application in one click without having to edit your resume every time you decide to apply for a job. 

3. Connect with Professionals Online 

Sometimes, it can feel like the professional world is all about the connections you have, rather than the experience or qualifications you have earned through online nursing programs. Although online nursing programs can often help you to build a professional network around you, if you feel as if you do not have the connections that you need to progress in your chosen career field, there are now many ways that you can start to communicate with potential employers without having to meet them face-to-face. Technology has made it simple to do so through the large array of different networking events and groups held every year online. These are especially prevalent in 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic shut down most of the major networking groups and their annual events. 

If you do not want to make a regular commitment to a specific networking group, you should consider joining online forums or making an account on business social media websites like LinkedIn. LinkedIn can be incredibly helpful as it can allow you to send messages to professionals in an assortment of professionals and contact you if they are interested in your expertise. This will enable you to showcase your skills, make yourself heard within your industry, and ensure that others can find you. 

By making connections, you will be able to hear of job opportunities as soon as they are created, and you may even find that you are recommended for your dream job by someone you have met at a networking event. However, this is more likely to happen if you know how to make the most of digital networking events

Networking is not only necessary when you are just starting out on your career path though and can also be a useful way to make connections with future business partners, find out the issues that may soon start to affect your company, and keep up with the latest trends. 

4. Follow Business and Career Social Media Accounts

You do not only have to be actively job-searching for tech to help you with your career though, and social media websites, such as Twitter and Facebook, allow you to hear the advice of a range of professionals within your industry. Many of the most prolific personalities and companies in every industry will have their own pages where they share insight into their sector, give tips and interviews, link to blog posts and videos, and even open their messages and comment sections to questions from other professionals. There are also many business and career blogs that operate online to guide you as to the next career steps you need to take. 

Not only this but many major companies, such as Penguin, have dedicated social media accounts, especially for careers, where they advertise job opportunities and work experience. This can help you be the first to hear about opportunities that you would usually not be privy to without inside knowledge, connections, or an agent, and perfect for those who are just starting within the professional world. 

5. Use Productivity Apps

Once you have your dream job, technology can still help you to reach success. Many apps have been developed to help you in every aspect of your career. One of the best options in terms of useful apps is productivity apps. Productivity apps can help you stay focused, meet deadlines, get updates from your employer, and collaborate with your colleagues. This can allow you to produce a higher standard of work, ensure that you never miss an important meeting again, and show your suitability for a promotion to your manager. You might also consider looking at calendar apps, file sharing apps, and the mobile alternative to many popular job search websites. These can keep you organized, reduce the chance of lost files, and can remind you of big events that may impact your industry. 

6. Adapt Your CV for HR Software

If you decide to use digital platforms to find a job and bolster your career, you should also adapt your resume for the HR software that might be used on it. Many employers now use HR software to sift through applications and find the perfect employee for their company. However, this can mean that it is easy to get overlooked as a potential employee. Then, you should make sure that your resume uses keywords on the application form for the job you want, such as specific skills or qualifications. You should also make sure that your CV uses standard fonts and headings, that you put your resume through a grammar app, and that you avoid using acronyms that might be missed by the software in question. 

7. Carpet-Email Employers

The internet allows you to find out all the information that you could ever need to know about your potential employers, including their contact details. Rather than sending them a letter that could take weeks to arrive, technology allows you to send multiple emails to different employers at once. This can allow you to be persistent and to make the connection that you need to with employers without spending all of your time locked to your laptop. They can then directly respond to your email without a third-party service or agency getting in the way. By emailing employers that you are particularly interested in working for, you may be able to secure or hear about job opportunities before one even arises. 

8. Work Remotely

It can be difficult to advance your career when you are limited to finding your perfect job in a single location, especially if you do not live in a big city or an area that attracts many companies within your industry. However, technology has now made it easier to take on freelance and remote work from across the world because you can now complete and send your work to your employer from any location. For instance, instant messaging and video conferencing apps allow you to speak to your manager at all times, while freelancing websites ensure that you can find appropriate roles and apply for them without having to make new connections with employers constantly. This means that you can gain the experience that you need to boost your career without having to be in the right place at the right time. This will also allow you to continue to progress in your career while you are juggling work with other commitments, such as a new baby or caring for an elderly relative.

9. Read E-Books and Guides

Many books and reading apps for your laptop and mobile, such as Libby, allow you to read texts on your device. These apps can give you access to a large library of different business and industry e-books, as well as career guides, for free. Access to these texts will allow you to research your industry and hear about it from a professional first-hand, without having to make a direct connection with them. Not only this, but there are many e-books and guides out there that have been published to improve your skills, giving you the instructions and knowledge that you need to meet the requirements of specific job roles and promotions. You may also be able to discuss these e-books and guides as a starting point within your interviews to show that you are committed to your career path, that you are willing to learn, and take steps towards the knowledge that you need. 

Using e-books, technology also gives you the chance to conduct research into your industry by searching for statistics and insights on the internet. You can also conduct research for your job, such as market research and financial analysis, which you might need to complete projects and to write reports. 

10. Create an Interactive Resume

Although you once had to include everything about yourself and your skills on a few pieces of paper when you applied for a job, this is now not the case. Instead, technology has allowed candidates to create interactive resumes that can leap off the page to potential employers and bring their cover letters to life. For instance, you can place backlinks to your blog or a digital portfolio on your cover letter that employers can follow, expanding and exemplifying the information you have placed on the one or two pages of your resume. You could also attach a cover letter in the form of a video or another creative medium that can allow you to stay memorable and tell your employer why they should hire you much more clearly than a simple letter ever could. 

11. Applying Tech Skills to Any Job

It would be best if you also considered sprucing up on your tech skills and use of technology because it could help you boost your career, with many employers now looking for staff with a certain knowledge of technology, such as SEO and video editing. Being aware of this can allow you to apply for jobs that you would previously be unable to, and ensures that you can future-proof your career

Tech has started to become incredibly important for career progression, and most people must have at least a light insight into technology to reach the top of their career ladders. If you have been looking for the latest and most innovative ways to use tech to bolster your career and secure a bright future for yourself in the world of work, this article covers most of the major ways in which tech can aid you in respect to your career, such as online nursing programs.