As floods, landslides, and hurricanes become more frequent and severe with abnormal climate change, protecting your home becomes even more critical. With these disasters, damage takes a toll on our budget, thus impairing our daily living. To prevent this, you can renovate your home into a flood-proof one.  Flood-proofing is a structural or non-structural measure that is meant to avoid damage from flooding to a house or any infrastructure. Flood-proofing requires that homeowners, builders, designers and planners engage in a detailed assessment of the risk of homes in flood-prone areas. In this prevention method, there are specific steps that you can start taking.

Elevate your home

The elevation method is the oldest, most common and obvious way to build a flood-proof house. In ancient times, people did this by living in trees or putting their homes on raised platforms. Now, people can do this by fixing the land on which their house is standing. Homeowners can put more concrete on the base to elevate their home. Others just rent or purchase a condominium unit in high-rise buildings to prevent being victims of damage by floods. 

Install submersible sensors

Those who wish to stay in their original homes can still protect themselves by installing a submersible sensor. These sensors make it possible to collect data on the water level when they are combined with recorders of electronic data. They also track variations in soil moisture. Some families have installed submersible water level measurement systems. When an alarming water-level is detected, the sensors send information to a system that alerts homeowners of a possible flood. Families can then early on prepare for the arrival of the wave and lessen future damage. 

Build floodwalls

If elevating the property is not possible, a family can protect their home or property by building sturdy and waterproof walls. Most of these walls are made out of bricks, and concrete. These walls block the flow of water. Some homeowners do not try this as they see that floodwalls are not aesthetically pleasing. However, you can resolve this by putting accessories on the wall.

Flood-proof your home

If your area is flood-prone, you can use sealants, or waterproof membranes, to cover slits of the house that may permit flood water to flow inside. This method may be an option for those just addressing short-term flooding. If the problem is a long-term one, this may not be advisable as the sealants can wear out.

Rising sea levels, more torrential and more frequent downpours make homes more vulnerable now than ever. So, our safety is always questionable. To at least prepare for these disasters or prevent the chance of these phenomena ever harming your property, you can start flood-proofing your home. It may be troublesome, as it needs effort from the family and the builders of the house, but at the end of it all, everyone should prioritise safety.

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