The short answer to the question of whether forex trading is profitable, is yes. However, it is a question that has been debated over and again. Those who suggest it’s not profitable are usually those who have not found success trading but considering that the market trades around $5 trillion a day, some people must be making a profit. Let’s have a look at why some people profit from forex trading, while others do not.

Can Forex Trading Be Consistently Profitable?

Forex trading is form of investment, and like every other form of investment, while it can be profitable, it also has significant risks. It is by learning how to reduce the risks, that you can become profitable at forex trading. The first and most important factor to take into account is that forex trading is hard work. There is no easy or quick money to be made, but with time and effort, you can become successful.

How to Become a Successful Forex Trader

If you spend time learning how the market works and creating a plan for trading, you can become a successful Forex trader. Let’s have a look at a few essentials for becoming a profitable trader.

Understand How the Market Works

Like with any new undertaking, to be successful at forex trading you need to have an understanding of the market, how it works and what affects it. Forex trading is like a job and like any new job, you need to spend time learning and training. Learn to understand which current issues impact the forex market and keep up to date with the latest news releases.

Create a Trading Strategy

A trading strategy is vital to your success as a forex trader and you will not make a profit without one. Before beginning to develop a strategy, you need to take a long hard look at your personality and what sort of trader you’ll be. Figure out your triggers so you can make a plan that will work for you. A strategy that works well for other people may not work well for you so you need to spend some time figuring out the right solution for you. Once you have a strategy, it is important to review it regularly and to tweak it whenever necessary. That being said, with a quality strategy, you must make sure you stick to it even if your emotions are telling you otherwise – a strategy helps you keep your emotions out of trading, so you can always trade with a level head.

Set a Stop-Loss

You must always have a stop-loss in place. This is a trading limit at which point your trade will automatically be closed. This will limit the amount that you can lose on any particular trade, ensuring that you protect your capital so that you’ll be able to continue trading another day. While it’s important to stick to your strategy, you also need to recognize a losing trade and stop before you lose too much. This way, you’ll protect your capital so you can trade again another day.