It’s safe to say that the year 2020 was tough on even the best of us. The COVID-19 pandemic took the whole world by storm. People all across the globe were made to isolate within the walls of their homes, while their lives and dreams were all put to a sudden halt. Adjusting to the new normal was by no means an easy task, but through all the damage, fear, and paranoia, humanity persisted.

This time period was although extremely tough, emphasized the importance of the healthcare sector in our society. While we quarantined safely, there were workers who risked their lives every day and worked around the clock to assist those in need. From researchers and lab workers to doctors and nurses, every member of the healthcare force is to thank for helping the world cope with this deadly virus. Now more than ever, we require their support and guidance to recover and move forwards.

The Need for Nurses Post-Pandemic:

Although healthcare is a multidisciplinary field, there is no denying that without the nurses, this team can simply not function. Their role in a medical institution is critical as they bridge the gap between professionals and patients.

Not only do nurses assist doctors in everyday tasks, but they also tend to patients by helping them navigate complex medical facilities. They provide guidance along with medical and emotional support to the patient as well as their family, calming their anxiety and making sure that everyone stays on the same page.

The demand for nurses is rising consistently as more hands are required on deck to help the healthcare industry get back on its feet. If you see yourself as someone who wants to make a living while pursuing a meaningful career, then nursing is your calling. Many institutes now offer online AGACNP programs to students who want to specialize in nursing while still being able to practice.

Their flexible schedules and at-home learning makes managing work and studies easy. But making a career choice is a life-altering decision that needs to be made with caution. To help you make up your mind, we have compiled a list of the many ways you will help better lives if you choose nursing as your profession.

Managing Resources:

Due to the pandemic, medical care facilities all across the globe were stretched extremely thin. Industries that supply healthcare products and equipment to medical facilities were either shut down or not working at the same pace as before due to security guidelines. Even now, as operations resume back to normal, hospitals all across the globe still face a major shortage of resources, with its people, technology, equipment, or medications.

As we move forward to the next year, all available facilities must be utilized with care and to their full potential. Nurses must take on this role. They must ensure adequate PPE management by educating staff, preventing wasteful usage, and coordinating with the relevant supply chains.

Educate the Public:

Nurses have a much stronger emotional connection with their patients than other members of the staff. Through their unique communication skills, they can forge a bond based on mutual respect and trust, making patients more receptive to their messages. It is due to this fact that nurses play a critical role in raising awareness. They must utilize their voice to educate the locals about the symptoms, prevention, care, and treatment of the coronavirus.

Nurses must interact with the citizens to hear their concerns, ease their anxiety, and help them develop healthier coping mechanisms. Moreover, they must also make it a habit to remain updated with scientific information so that they can crush irrelevant myths and bring to light the facts.

Assist in Policymaking:

The pandemic revealed major gaps in the healthcare system. It also reflected how financial, healthcare and educational resources were more needed in some areas than others. Nurses can use their voice and power to advocate for these lesser-privileged populations.

In their everyday job, they encounter people from all walks of life with diverse ethnicities, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds. Since they hear experiences and stories firsthand, they can communicate their findings to higher authorities and highlight the areas that need to be worked on.

They can guide community leaders to develop and alter policies in such a way that equitable resources are made available to all masses of the population. Through their research, nurses can help solve real-world problems and be invaluable members in the quest to improve and evolve public-health policies.

Understand Population-Based Medicine:

While nurses specialize in managing individual patients at hospitals and clinics, today, they must also learn to cater to a larger population and provide community-based care. They must reimagine nursing practice and expand their skills to provide healthcare services to a diverse population.

Healthcare systems focused on catering to communities incorporate preventative care with citizen’s engagement, education, and emotional support, creating an all-over healthier society. Moreover, the need This shift will require nurses to observe more compassion, empathy, and patience than they regularly do as they will have to interact, serve, and bond with diverse masses.

Training the Upcoming Generation of Nurses:

The nurses in the field currently have been through an event that has given them the experience of working under immense pressure. These nurses had to work tirelessly, without breaks, and under extremely stressful circumstances to provide patients with the highest quality of care. Through their experience, they can supervise the upcoming generation of nurses by passing down the invaluable skills and lessons that they learned during this period.

Nurses that worked through the pandemic era can teach new students how to remain calm under stress, observe patience and make the most of the limited resources provided to them. Their mentorship can be a viable asset to the next generation of nurses.


Nursing is a highly in-demand and stable profession that is only expected to grow in the coming years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported a 38% increase in job opportunities between 2020-2030.

At its core, nursing will always be a profession intended to serve humanity. Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare force, and without their support, medical organizations cannot grow. It is not a profession for the faint of heart. Rather for those who want to make a mark in the world and leave it a better place for the generations to come.