Chronic sleep problems affect an estimated 70 million people in the United States. Of these individuals, many have insomnia.

Many people think insomnia only makes it difficult to fall asleep. However, that’s only partly true, as it can also result in a person repeatedly waking up at night.

Sounds familiar? If so, then here’s some good news for you: there are ways to stop this from happening.

Below are some techniques to stay asleep and avoid a restless night, so please read on.

Restrict Late-Night Fluid Intake

Nocturia, affecting 50 million people in the U.S., causes a person to wake up multiple times at night to urinate. It’s more common in older adults, as age affects the body’s urinary retention ability. However, it can still happen to younger people, especially those who drink lots of fluids at night.

So if you can’t stay asleep as nature keeps calling, limit your fluid intake two to four hours before bedtime. Restrict alcohol, coffee, soda, and tea before bed, too. Also, pee before you head to bed.

However, drink plenty of water in the daytime to compensate for the restriction.

Consider Non-Prescription Sleep Aids

Non-prescription sleep aids are products sold over the counter. They can be effective, helping users who have trouble sleeping fall asleep sooner. They can also help people with insomnia stay asleep longer.

The most popular options are sleep aids with antihistamines (allergy medicines). They can help with sleep problems as they have a sedative effect.

You can also shop CBD for sleep, available as gummies, tinctures, and oils. Aside from cannabidiol, some also contain melatonin. It’s a hormone that helps control and regulate the sleep-wake cycle.

Another option is smelling lavender oil just before sleeping. It may help boost sleep hygiene and quality in people with mild insomnia.

While these are non-prescription sleep aids, it’s still best to talk to your doctor first. That’s especially true for antihistamines and CBD and if you’re taking any other drugs. Your doctor can warn you of potential side effects and interactions.

Turn the Lights Off

Sleeping with a light on, especially a bright one, can cause fragmented sleep. It’s when you experience more frequent awakenings during the body’s normal wake-sleep cycle.

Researchers say that even dim lights can still affect sleep by restricting melatonin. Thus, sleeping with any light on may rouse you up multiple times at night.

If possible, sleep in pitch darkness and wear an eye mask for even better results.

Another trick is to limit your usage of blue light-emitting devices. While all artificial lights can affect melatonin, blue light restricts it the most. So to help you fall asleep sooner and stay asleep longer, stop using your phone, computer, or TV two hours before bed.

Stop Waking up Repeatedly at Night

Remember: Waking up frequently at night can impair brain function and overall health. Aside from putting you in a foul mood, it can also lead to excessive daytime sleepiness. Chronic sleep disturbances may even increase Alzheimer’s risk.

All that should be enough reason to start doing what you can to prevent sleep interruptions. So, as soon as tonight, give our tips a try, as they may help you sleep better and longer.

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