At some point, you may want to find a new look—either because you’re tired of your old look or because you want to start a new chapter in your life. But with so many options and avenues to choose from, where do you begin? 

Start With Your Current Style

First, try to define your current style. This is helpful for several reasons. For starters, you’ll get a feel for what makes your style unique, and you’ll develop terminology and vocabulary for how to describe other styles you see. This is also an important opportunity to consider what you like and what you don’t like about your style. For example, through introspection, you might realize that while you love the color schemes of your outfits, you hate the way they fit you, or that you hate the way your shoes look, or that your best clothes are no longer appropriate for your age group. 

Define a New Characteristic or Element for Yourself 

If you’re going to make a transformation, you need something to transform into. For that, you’ll need to define some new characteristic or element for yourself. If you’re new to the fashion world or if you’re uncertain about your future, you can start simple here. Write down some keywords you’d like to be associated with your new style. For example, are you trying to be “bold” or “aggressive,” or are you trying to look more “demure” or “calm?” These keywords will guide you to better decisions. 

Talk to Friends and Family Members 

If you have any fashion-savvy friends and family members (or even if you don’t), talk to them. These are the people who know you best, and they’ve seen you dress a certain way for many years. If you’re open to it, they may be able to help you discover some new insights about your current wardrobe and look, and what might suit you better in the future. For example, you might learn that your friends think your hairstyle doesn’t quite fit you, or your sister might recommend some new type of accessory to complete your look. You don’t have to take their advice fully, but you should at least consider it. 

Look at Figures You Admire

There are many sources of inspiration you can consult when looking for new fashion choices. For example, you can look through online catalogs and stores to see new fashion items being modeled by people with your body type or complexion. You could also follow celebrities or influencers you admire on social media, and see what kinds of things they wear on a regular basis. It’s best to consult a variety of sources, so you can see these choices from different angles—and get introduced to a much greater diversity of items to potentially wear. 

Try Things On

This is the most important phase of the process. If you want to find and/or build a new look for yourself, you have to be willing to take risks, experiment, and try things on you might ordinarily never consider. Visit stores you’ve never patronized and start trying different looks in the mirror; you never know what might stand out to you. 


  • Accessories. One accessory could be all it takes to redefine your look—especially if you choose something bold and attention-grabbing, like custom gold grillz. Accessories are also convenient because you can pair them with so many other choices. 
  • Clothes. Clothes are the first thing most people think of when they’re ready to update their style. There are limitless possibilities here; try different types of clothes, different makers, different colors, and different materials. 
  • Hairstyles. It’s hard to “try on” a hairstyle, but a good hairstylist should be able to give you an idea of what you might look like with different approaches. 
  • Makeup. If you wear makeup routinely, you can experiment with dozens of different looks.

Plan Your Transition

Once you have an idea of the direction you want to head, you can plan your transition. If you’re making a bold statement or if you’re trying to define a specific period of your life, you might go for an overnight, all-at-once change; for example, you might show up for work on Monday with a shaved head and a brand-new wardrobe. Or if you’re after a more seamless transformation, you might try to transition your style gradually, working new outfits into the rotation until there are no remnants of your old style left. 

Most fashion- or image-conscious people want to change their style periodically, and for the most part, it’s a good thing—even if you end up abandoning the new style later. This is your opportunity to learn more about yourself and try new things in the process.