The Highest Paying Jobs You Can Land with a Biomedical Engineering Degree
The biomedical engineering sector is huge and it’s filled with a variety of job opportunities for graduates to take advantage of. However, it’s not the easiest sector to land a job in because of the huge competition, primarily because there are some great salaries on offer. If you’re looking to dip into the biomedical engineering sector it’s important you decide on a career path you’d like to undertake. Some of the highest paying jobs in the sector are listed below which are sure to sway you in a different direction.
Research Fellow
As a research fellow, you will have the opportunity to earn a median salary of $153,680 per year, with some professionals earning as much as $198,729 per year. You will likely work independently or under the supervision of a senior member of the team and it will be your job to run research projects to see which ones are worth getting grants for. You will need to obtain a master of engineering in biomedical engineering degree using an online MEBME program or equivalent if you have any chance of landing a job as a research fellow.
Biomedical Engineer Specialist
If you are more of a hands-on type, you may look towards landing a job as a biomedical engineer specialist. The job of a biomedical engineer specialist is to design new products such as artificial organs and other body parts, as well as being part of a team that designs new machines that can help with diagnosing medical issues. A biomedical engineer specialist can expect to receive a median salary of $118,852, with some top professionals in the industry earning as much as $156,512.
Senior Biostatistician
If you enjoy working with mathematics and diagrams, a career as a senior biostatistician could be the job for you. As a senior biostatistician, it’s your duty to collect and dissect data and obtain information that can be sent to other colleagues in the research team to do their jobs. It’s a senior position in the world of biology and without biostatisticians, biomedical engineering wouldn’t work. You will have a good median salary of $133,039 to look forward to and if you manage to climb to the top of the career ladder there are some biostatisticians that earn up to $161,472.
As stated above, competition in the biomedical engineering sector is huge so it’s important you understand what’s needed to be a success in a varied industry that offers plenty of job opportunities for the right candidates.
When you start studying for a degree, it would be an appropriate time to try and find some work experience in the biomedical sector so you’ll have a good chance of landing a job once you are qualified. A lot of professional entities will offer intern or voluntary roles that you can take advantage of and when you are interviewed for a post in the future, you can be sure that a voluntary role will increase your chances of being offered a suitable job.
Photo courtesy Argonne National Laboratory on Flickr