The COVID-19 pandemic has given millions of people around the world the opportunity to experience the benefits of working from home. Many of them wish to continue doing so even when it’s safe to go back to the office. Discover why you should consider a permanent remote work lifestyle and useful tips on how to make it work for you.

Working From Home Can Increase Productivity

One of the great things about working in your home is you can set up your space exactly as you like it – no more office arguments about the temperature or the noise level. If you like listening to music while you work, you can do so without worrying about distracting others and, if you find bright sunlight makes it difficult to use your computer, you can put up some room darkening blinds and use them whenever you like.

Being comfortable in your environment makes you a more productive worker. Other reasons working from home can make you more productive are there’s no need to deal with office politics, meetings tend to be shorter and there are often fewer distractions.

Say Goodbye to Stressful Commutes

The average American spends nearly an hour a day commuting to and from work. Not only does this eat into the time you could be spending on something more useful or enjoyable, but it also has a significant effect on your stress levels.

Whether you’re driving or using public transport, traveling during rush hour, as most commuters do, is stressful. Sitting in traffic jams and or squeezing yourself into crowded subway cars is not a pleasant way to start your day and having these regular periods of high stress can impact your health. Together, two of the primary stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, increase your blood pressure and heart rate and elevate blood sugar levels.

Instead of damaging your health with stressful commutes to and from work, you could use the time you gain to do something good for yourself, such as getting some exercise or meditating.

Location Independence Is Freedom

Not being tied to the office means you can work from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection. After the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end and borders are open again, this means you could live as a digital nomad, traveling the world if you choose. 

It also means you have more flexibility in terms of where you live permanently. Office jobs can tie you to a city, but if you’ve always dreamed of living in the country or just want to make the most of the cheaper house prices found further from large metropolises, working from home could be your answer. 

Experience New Work Flexibility  

Working from home often means you have more control over your schedule, even if it’s just starting and finishing work earlier now that you don’t have to factor in a long commute. This flexibility allows you to make your time work for you, whether it’s fitting in a mid-day exercise class or picking up the kids from school.

Being at home also has fringe benefits you may not have considered before experiencing it yourself. For instance, it’s handy for deliveries, getting work done on the house and being there for your pets or children when they are home sick from school.

Tips for Successful Remote Working

Although working from home comes with considerable benefits, it’s easy to fall into bad habits and not make the most of this way of working. Start by following these three remote work tips:

1. Set Up a Dedicated Workspace

Ideally, you would have an office in your house, even if it also functions as a spare bedroom. However, even if your WFH office is in a common space, such as your kitchen or den, you should invest some time setting up a dedicated workspace.

Make your work life easier with items such as:

  • An ergonomic chair and desk setup, such as wrist supports for using your keyboard and monitor stand, to ensure you are physically comfortable.
  • Stationery and other tools within easy reach. 
  • Office blinds to ensure your room is not too bright for looking at screens.
  • A strong internet connection: You may need to purchase a Wi-Fi booster.
  • A professional-looking backdrop, such as bookshelves or a wall for video conferences.

2. Establish an End of Work Routine

One challenging aspect of working from home is it can be difficult to switch off from work. If your home office is in a dedicated room, it helps to close the door at the end of the workday and not go in that room again until the following morning. However, if this isn’t possible for you, there are still ways you can disconnect from work and shift into home time.

Humans are creatures of habit, so having a particular action you do every night to signify you’ve finished working for the day can help you relax. This could be as simple as shutting your computer and turning on the radio, changing your clothes or going for a walk. In fact, some people have a short walk before and after work to simulate going to a different location and to create space between their work and home lives.

3. Set Boundaries

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you are available all day. It’s crucial to set boundaries both with the people you work with and your friends and family. Let them know what hours you are unavailable, and be strict about sticking to those times. Don’t answer work emails in the evening or text your friends during your work shift. This helps maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Make the Most of Working From Home

Working from home comes with huge advantages but, to really benefit from everything this lifestyle has to offer, you need to put in a little effort to establish good practices. Ultimately, the best thing about working from home is you get to design how your life looks, so make the most of it!