Trying to live a life that is more sustainable and kinder to the earth has gone past being a trend and is something most people say that they want to do. One of the easiest ways you can do your bit to help the earth and keep the levels of pollution down in your home is to follow some simple sustainable and eco-friendly practices. 

Use Natural Textiles 

Unfortunately, lots of textiles that are produced end up in landfill sites. Fast fashion is one of the biggest contributors to unsustainable textile manufacture in the world. You can help to negate some of these effects by doing your part in your own home. 

When it comes to textiles, there are a lot of different options you have to choose from. Natural textiles like wool are so versatile and have some many great credentials. For example, wool is hypoallergenic which means its less likely to cause any skin or allergic reactions. Wool is also biodegradable and recyclable and has a very high level of flame resistance. It’s the perfect material for an eco-home.

A material that you could consider for flooring is cork. It’s a very sustainable material as cork is produced using the bark of the tree, not the actual tree itself. Style-wise it can be better than traditional wooden flooring as its resistant to scratches, marking and scuffs.

Fill Your Rooms with Natural Furniture

As well as using natural textiles and fabrics in your home, you should also consider natural furniture. Furniture that is made from wood or stone is likely to be complemented by natural textiles you might use such as throws, pillows or rugs. 

If you plan on introducing a lot of wooden items into your home, then it is best to choose furniture that is made from solid wood. Items that are not made from solid wood like chipboard or items that have a veneer often contain glues. These glues have chemicals in them which can cause harm in some circumstances, and they are not ideal to bring into your home.  

Another fantastic option is to upcycle furniture. This could be furniture that you already own or second-hand furniture that you find online or in second-hand shops. It’s important to remember when doing these projects to be aware of any paints that you are using that might contain chemicals so seek out a supplier of eco-friendly paints.  

Solar Panel Roofing 

Some people really don’t like the look of solar panel roofing on their home. However, when it’s used in an aesthetically pleasing way, it will certainly provide you with a number of benefits for your home. One of the main disadvantages is that the initial outlay of cost can be quite significant. It may not be something that is worthwhile if you are looking to move home in the next 5-7 years. However, beyond that they will start paying for themselves, and you will be generating your own electricity.  

To install solar panels on your house, you may be able to hire local roofers to do the job. Alternatively, the company you purchase them from may have their own installation service that’s included in the price. Solar panels are relatively low maintenance but might require some kind of bird proofing solutions if birds are a problem.

Install Triple Glazed Glass

Changing the windows in a building can have a dramatic effect on the look of the property, so it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly. That being said installing triple glazed windows will have a tremendous impact on the eco-footprint of your house. 

Triple glazed windows provide some of the highest levels of heat retention, and when coupled with great wall and roof insulation they will ensure that your house is kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Triple glazed windows are also a great way to reduce noise pollution. If you live near a road then installing triple glazed windows will lead to a significant reduction in what you hear outside. 

Double and triple glazed windows now come in who range of different styles and surrounds. If you are trying to keep plastic out of your home, then you will want to opt for a frame that is made from sustainable wood. 

If you are just beginning to transition your home from more traditional décor to a sustainable décor then it will take time. There are a number of principles that you can follow which include only having natural materials in your home and making use of nature by introducing plants which are known to filter the air and have positive effects on mental health.  Regardless of where you start of how much you do, even changing a small part of your home to be more sustainable plays a role in creating a better environment.