Not every parent is a natural-born teacher. When your child falls behind on homework, it’s a good idea to find a good partner who can help get them back on track.

Good partners usually come in the form of homework help companies or freelance tutors. If you’re in the market for homework help, here are 5 things to consider.

1. Check Online Reviews

One of the first things to check when exploring homework help companies is online reviews. Reviews are a great way to sort credible companies from potential scams.

Companies without reviews aren’t necessarily a bad idea, but they might be too new to offer many of the best practices you’ll find at more established companies. If you don’t find any reviews, ask about their satisfaction guarantee to learn what your options are in case you’re unhappy with your service.

2. Scheduling

The ease of scheduling is important when hiring a homework help company. For example, you don’t want to be limited to calling the company each time you want to make a change.

Find companies with a range of technology resources to help you keep your scheduling on track. A mobile app or mobile-friendly website is the key to allowing you to manage your scheduling while on the go.

3. Ease of Payments

The next factor to consider is how easy it is to pay your homework help instructor. Does the company allow you to pay online or do you have to visit a physical location?

Most online companies offer payment options on their website. You’ll find the most limitations when dealing with freelancers who might not have an established business set up.

You’ll be on your own to find an electronic payment system that works for both of you. This might not be a dealbreaker but it’s a good idea to have this figured out in advance so you maintain a positive relationship with your tutor.

4. Instructor Knowledge

Don’t hire any tutors without the proper credentials to provide homework help. Even if a tutor never graduated from college, demonstrated coursework in a subject might be enough to qualify them to help your children with homework.

Ask for a printout of a college transcript or ask for referrals. Another family that hired the same tutor can vouch for his or her knowledge in the subject.

One of the most common ways to check the credibility of your tutor is through their degree and certificates. Someone with a Bachelor’s Degree in math is an obvious choice as your child’s algebra tutor.

5. Approachability

The final thing to look for when getting your child help for homework is your tutor’s approachability. How easy is it for your child to communicate and ask questions?

Does the tutor seem patient or easily flustered by your child’s lack of attention? These are things you won’t know until the first session.

Make sure you’re close by for the first few tutoring sessions to monitor your child’s level of comfort around the tutor.

The Perfect Homework Help

In a perfect world, parents could provide top-notch homework help cutting back on the need for yet another afterschool activity. But this isn’t feasible in most families.

Make sure you find a good personality match for your child when shopping around for a tutor. As long as this tutor has verifiable credibility, you’ve got the perfect tutor on your hands.

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