Thought leaders are sought out for their expertise. They are called upon to share their knowledge online, in person, and in print. Roger Wolfson is one such person, and in this article, we’re going to look at why Roger Wolfson is widely considered to be a thought leader in his niche. 

Who is Roger Wolfson, you might be asking? Well, if you are a fan of popular TV series like Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and The Closer, you will be familiar with Roger’s work. He’s been a contributing writer on several well-known television series and has penned eight original series of his own. In short, Roger Wolfson is a man of many talents, which is why people love to attend his cultural gatherings.

A True Showman

One of the characteristics people mention when asked about Roger Wolfson is his capacity for showmanship. Like many great thought leaders, Roger has a flair for showmanship, and he’s never happier than when holding court in front of an audience. But unlike some grandiose individuals who have very little of worth to say, Roger Wolfson has had a highly accomplished career in politics and writing, and he also has many varied interests and passions. This means he has a lot to say on any number of topics.

A Political Observer

It would be fair to say Roger Wolfson is a savvy political observer, having spent part of his early career working for Senator John Kerry, Senator Ted Kennedy, and Senator Paul Wellstone.  He’s helped write political legislation, including the Welfare Reform Act and he played a key role in Senator Kelly’s bill to outlaw so-called ‘cop killer’ bullets. 

Roger Wolfson is no longer in political service, but he still has a lot of influence, which was why in 2016 he founded the group for writers looking to work with progressive candidates, organizations trying to effect real change and progressive business causes. 

An Animal Activist

In addition to his work in politics and writing, Roger Wolfson is also an animal activist. He has held the role of commissioner for the Los Angeles Animal Services since 2012, where he oversaw numerous welfare programs for animals in the city. It was only recently he stepped down from this role, but in 8 years, he’s made a huge difference to the lives of many animals caught up in the welfare system.

All this work towards making a difference has helped elevate Roger Wolfson into a position of power as a thought leader. Roger is happy to use his vast experience in many fields to help others. He can offer insight into causes, particularly those related to animal welfare, and he’s also keen to work with his fellow writers, both in the world of politics and the media. 

This is one of the reasons why Roger Wolfson is much in demand as a guest speaker. His experience of writing campaign speeches has helped him become a talented and inspirational public speaker on many topics, including spirituality, religion, law, and mediation. 

If you’re looking for a thought leader to give a keynote speech, Roger Wolfson is an ideal candidate.