Have you searched for a real estate broker or sales agent recently? A superb realtor offers valuable assistance to people seeking to sell or purchase homes, commercial properties, or tracts of raw land. Yet defining the characteristics of a great realtor involves a degree of subjectivity. Despite a variety of personal differences, outstanding realtors share some important characteristics in common:

High Ethical Standards

One characteristic of a great realtor relates to the maintenance of high ethical standards. You need to find someone willing to place your interests as a client first, above personal self-interest. Consider your realtor’s reputation and commitment to serving customers. Like other professionals, realtors sometimes encounter situations in which betraying a client’s confidence or taking advantage of a great property bargain instead of offering it to the client might prove tempting.

Seek the services of a trustworthy realtor committed to serving your interests with honesty and integrity. Your realtor should adhere to the code of ethics promulgated by the Board of Realtors in your state. A realtor should comply with the highest professional standards while marketing real estate. Treating clients, prospective buyers, the general public and other real estate industry professionals fairly proves vitally important.

Strong Knowledge of Local Real Estate Markets

Consider hunting for a realtor who demonstrates a superior knowledge of the local realty marketplace in your area, too. Relocating sometimes involves adjusting to unfamiliar regional conditions. For example, in some locations, obtaining water rights proves critical to acquiring a valuable tract of land for agricultural purposes. It makes sense to locate a skilled professional with intimate knowledge about local property values.

Realtors offer valuable assistance in learning about local regulations impacting new residents. They may supply information concerning your children’s public schools. A skilled realtor also offers a treasure trove of information about local assessments or initiatives that will impact your property taxes in the near future. In many cases, these professionals offer in-depth knowledge concerning issues affecting neighborhoods.

Good Communications Skills

Can your realtor relay information accurately? It proves imperative to find a realtor capable of communicating effectively with sellers, prospective buyers, and other real estate industry professionals. Many problems arise when people fail to discuss important issues with one another in the real estate field.

For example, a skilled agent must relay a real estate offer correctly. Confusion concerning a sales contract sometimes results in litigation after a sale. It proves essential to obtain the services of a realtor interested in relating vital information in a timely, accurate manner.

Excellent Management Skills

Realtors today typically benefit from the services of valuable support personnel. Their assistants may perform essential services to assist property buyers and sellers. From staging a home to shuttling visiting buyers to view for-sale properties, these individuals often perform important support roles.

Capable realtors possess excellent managerial skills. They inspire loyalty in their staff members. Even very capable realtors may offer inferior service if they fail to lead realty teams effectively. Try and find a realtor who demonstrates superb leadership capabilities!

Strong Negotiating Skills

One important talent of a great realtor relates to his or her ability to negotiate effectively. This skill assists clients in obtaining the best possible outcome when they pursue real estate contracts, for example. A talented real estate negotiator should appreciate the needs and desires of all parties. This individual represents a client adeptly during complex negotiations.

Most real estate brokers have taken formal classes in preparing offers and writing real estate contracts. Yet skill levels in contract negotiations sometimes vary. Technical mistakes in this field potentially cost clients significant sums. A realtor with strong negotiating skills might mean the difference between a successful offer on a property, and a failure to consummate a sales transaction.


Creativity also matters in the real estate field. Capable realtors possess this skill to a high degree. They know how to assist sellers in presenting properties to prospective buyers in a variety of effective ways.

For instance, in some cases, a seller may seek to market a property that proves completely unsuitable for most purposes, yet offers remarkable utility for a specific, unusual use. Obtaining a sale might require bringing the potential benefits of this real estate to the attention of interested prospects. Unless a realtor can envision this outcome, a seller may waste time and resources attempting to sell the real estate in a conventional manner. For example, if a property contains a cave, then the site might hold little value as a home site, but extraordinary value as a tourism attraction. A tract that includes a dilapidated warehouse might offer potential for a developer seeking to create condos in urban locations. Exploring a variety of uses for realty assists some sellers.


Another important quality of a great realtor relates to the willingness to work hard on behalf of real estate sellers. This capability requires self-discipline and energy. A lazy realtor won’t necessarily serve a client’s best interest. It usually makes sense to find someone willing to promote the sale of your property aggressively, in a highly disciplined, well-planned manner.

Self-disciplined realtors develop detailed, effective marketing programs. They don’t expect buyers to miraculously appear and make offers for properties (although this phenomenon sometimes occurs in “hot” markets). Instead, they actively promote the sale of their firm’s listings!

Access to Key Services

Finally, consider searching for a realtor who develops a network of skilled support contractors. From lawn care companies to property management services, your realtor should possess the capability to access essential services required to maintain listings in good condition. Sometimes clients place real estate on the market, then relocate out of the area before the listing sells. You need to know your realtor will help you keep your property in a presentable condition during your absence!

Today, many realty firms maintain close ties with skilled local contractors and tradesmen. Realtors sometimes assist clients by scheduling repair and maintenance services. They help ensure homes remain saleable despite periods of vacancy.

A Good Rapport With Clients

Ultimately, it makes sense to seek a realtor who maintains a great personal rapport with you, too. Having the ability to empathize with your real estate goals proves important. Find someone capable of inspiring your trust and confidence!