You budget is tight and you need to spend some of it on marketing your website and products. Where do you spend it? With so many choices, it can be a difficult decision to make. This is why we have look over all of the options and corralled the two that most deserve your attention.


SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which is a strategy used to improve the position of a page or website on a search engine. An SEO firm or expert will use a combination of elements within the pages design and contained within the page to align it with the key elements looked for by search engines. By aligning the elements in the page or website with the key elements sought by the search engine, the search engine will rank the website or page higher. The goal of every SEO firm is to get their client’s content on the first page of a web search. With more than 1 billion websites currently active on the Internet and searches often yielding millions of results, SEO has become a very valuable marketing tool. .

The wonderful thing about SEO is that is it marketing for your site that you can control and utilize to be effective. Many people believe that SEO is some sort of magic, but this is far from the truth. It certainly requires some creativity from seo experts, but it really requires lots of hard work and following the guidelines for creating your content. When you do it in a SEO friendly way, you are guaranteed to get higher ranking on search engine results. And in this case, you are leveraging the power of huge search engines like Google, Yahoo search, and Microsoft’s Bing to bring potential customers to you.

E-mail Marketing

Email marketing has been around for quite some time and this is because it is still effective. The process for e-mail marketing is using email to send a commercial message to a potential customers. The aim of these messages may be business requests, sales solicitations, donations, or they might just be to provide information about a product, service or event. There are several unique benefits from an e-mail marketing campaign:

The mail is targeted: Since the mail is sent on a pre-established database, the mail is targeted to those with whom you want to interact. So you have control over who gets to see which mail and you can also modify on the fly, who gets any of the mail. At any time you can change criteria based on demographics, business relationship or virtually any other factors.

Easy to Measure: E-mail marketing allows you to understand the exact effectiveness of your campaign. You can be prompted when someone opens the mail. You can include hotlinks in the mail and then understand which links people clicked and then how effective those links were for you. There are a host of insights about customer behaviors and preferences that you walk away with in addition to any sales that may be part of the e-mail campaign. These takeaways allow you to improve the effectiveness of each subsequent e-mail marketing campaign. 

Cost effective: There are no costs for printing the e mails or any other materials and its transmission costs are negligible, so email marketing campaigns have the highest ROI of any marketing campaign period.