With the boating season coming to a close in winter, this is the best time to plan for boat storage. And yes, you cannot pull the boat from the water and place it into boat storage in chandler

Long-term boat storage tends to be hard on your boat. Therefore, you need to be vigilant when preparing for winter storage. In this way, you can be sure that you’ll not collect any damage. 

Here are the primary tips to get your boat ready for winter storage. 

1. Clean the Boat 

Cleaning your boat helps it last longer. Therefore, clean the interiors, exteriors, trim, hardware, etc. You can also apply fresh wax on the exterior to protect it from harsh weather conditions and other elements. This is a good time to check for cracks, blistering, or any damage on the boat. 

If you notice any damage or cracks, have them repaired before putting them away for winter. 

2. Change the Oil 

An oil change is one of the first things you do before storing the boat. The same applies if you’ve changed the oil recently. But why? 

If you used the boat between oil changes, chances are some water got into the oil. The water in the oil may lead to corrosion, especially when the boat sits in a storage unit. 

When changing the oil, don’t forget to change the filters. Before adding new oil, flush the engine to remove any remnants.

3. Flush the Cooling System 

Use fresh water to remove dirt, silt, and debris from the cooling system. Doing so protects your boat from corrosion. If you’re living in colder climates, then it is a good idea to run an anti-freeze through the system.  

4. Add Engine Fogging Oil 

Spraying the engine with fogging oil helps protect the moving parts of an engine during cold weather. To add the fogging oil, you need to crank the boat without letting it turn over completely. 

As the engine attempts to turn over, spray it with fogging oil. Remember, it may take you several starts to get the engine sprayed thoroughly. Make sure the oil gets into the carburetor or spark plug holes, depending on your boat. 

5. Prepare The Fuel System 

Be sure to top off the fuel tank before storing the boat. Doing so prevents any condensation buildup that may lead to corrosion. Also, don’t forget to change the fuel filter at the end of your boating system. If possible, add a fuel stabilizer to your boat

6. Disconnect the Battery 

Don’t let the battery die during the cold months. Before storing the boat, disconnect it and top it off with distilled water. If possible, run the battery a few times to ensure it is ready to go when summer kicks in again. 


The end of summer spells the end of boating season. Preparing your boat for storage helps ensure an easy transition back to water in a few months. There’s more involved to storing your boat than dragging it out of the water into a storage camp. Ensuring proper storage helps reduce chances of repairs and damages.