How can you tell the difference between a TBI and a concussion?

TBIs and concussions are similar in some ways, but they can be dangerous and deadly if you don’t get treated for them. Even if you don’t realize you have them, you could end up in serious trouble if you keep putting off treatment. If you don’t understand the difference between TBI vs concussion you could put yourself in even more danger.

Learn more to prevent serious damage to your health. Here is a breakdown of the differences between concussions and TBIs.

What Is Concussion

A concussion is when you hit your head hard, and it makes your brain get shaken up inside your skull. It’s like when you drop a delicate object, and it gets jostled. It’s not a cut or a bruise on your head, but something going wrong inside.


Some of the signs of a concussion are: feeling dizzy, confused, or having a bad headache. You could even pass out or forget what happened right before the hit. Some people might have trouble seeing clearly or feel tired and weak.


Doctors can’t see a concussion from the outside, but they can ask you questions and check how you move to figure out if you have one.

The good news is that most concussions get better with time and rest. You need to give your brain a break and avoid activities that could make it worse, like playing sports or video games. You should take it easy and get lots of sleep until the doctor says it’s safe to go back to your normal routine.

If you think you have a concussion, tell an adult right away to get a concussion diagnosis. It’s essential to take it seriously so you don’t make it worse or hurt yourself even more.

What Is TBI

TBI stands for Traumatic Brain Injury, and it’s way more serious than a concussion.

When you get a TBI, it means your brain got hurt badly enough to affect how it works. A concussion is like a mild version of a TBI – it’s not as severe and usually gets better on its own. But with a TBI, the damage is deeper and can take longer to heal, or sometimes it doesn’t heal fully at all.


Well, the symptoms can be different for everyone, but some common ones are feeling confused, dizzy, or sleepy, and having a bad headache or trouble remembering things. Sometimes you might even feel sick to your stomach or have trouble speaking.


Now, if you suspect you have a TBI or you know someone who does, it’s essential to see a doctor. They can check your brain and make sure everything’s okay. A top radiologist at Longhorn Imaging might use machines like MRIs or CT scans to get a good look at your brain and see what’s going on inside.

Head Injury 101: TBI vs Concussion – What You Need to Know

TBIs are more serious than concussions, and the severity of measures taken will vary from person to person. If you or someone you know has suffered a traumatic head injury, seek professional help and guidance in determining the severity. Get in touch with a doctor to better understand TBI vs concussion and to receive the help that you may need. 

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