There are more than 5.5 million car accidents every year in the United States alone. Depending on the severity of the car accident, the accident can have life-altering consequences.

If you or a loved one was involved in a car accident in the Fresno area, it is a wise decision to explore car accident lawyers. With a car accident lawyer, you will have a better chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.

Continue to read to learn more about how to select the best Fresno car accident lawyer.

What is a Car Accident Lawyer?

A car accident lawyer is an experienced and trained professional who will represent you during the compensation process. If your case goes to trial, your car accident lawyer will represent you in a court of law.

Car accident lawyers will speak to insurance companies on your behalf and will walk you through the process step-by-step. Core to an attorney’s job is their aggressive and convincing representation. A car accident attorney will research the accident in detail and use concrete evidence.

Why is Important to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

As implied above, car accidents can have serious implications. One’s health and wellbeing can be compromised for an extensive period of time or even permanently.

If one can no longer work due to the injuries sustained, financial insecurity becomes a pressing matter.

When a car accident occurs, expenses can be astronomical. Expenses include but are not limited to:

  • Car damage
  • Medical tests
  • Medical procedures/surgeries
  • Hospital stay
  • Loss wages

With a car accident attorney, victims can focus on healing while fighting for the compensation they desire. Individuals who were involved in a car accident can take comfort knowing that they have a professional who is speaking on their behalf.

How To Select a Fresno Car Accident Lawyer

Selecting a car accident lawyer is not an easy task. There are many car accident attorneys in the Fresno area, but it is important to select the best car accident lawyer for your case.

Below we highlight a few questions or considerations to think about before hiring a car accident attorney.

Does the Lawyer Have Previous Experience?

This may be an obvious question, but is a crucial one to consider. Research goes a long way when selecting an attorney. When trying to find the right attorney for your case, ensure he or she specializes in car accident law and has had success in the courtroom.

If you find an attorney that you like, read their client reviews online. See what former clients had to say about their services. There is usually a general consensus about top rated car accident lawyers.

Research multiple lawyers and prepare a list of possible candidates.

Word-of-Mouth Referrals are the Best

Online reviews are helpful, but the best reviews you can receive are word-of-mouth referrals. If a loved one or friend recommends a particular car accident lawyer, this should be a comfort. Your family or friends will not steer you wrong!

The best compliment a lawyer can receive is word-of-mouth referrals. When an attorney earns a positive reputation in the community, his or her business will soar.

Meet with Candidates and Interview Them

Once you determine some lawyer candidates you are interested in, schedule consultations. There is nothing wrong with meeting with multiple candidates. Every lawyer may have his or her own approach.

It is important to find a confident and talented attorney, but you also want to find a lawyer who is easy to work with. During your case, you and your lawyer will be partners and will have to develop a sense of trust.

As you meet candidates, you will be able to learn about their legal approach and their personalities. This will help you determine what attorney is the best fit for you.

Discuss Fees From the Beginning

Do not try to hide the elephant in the room. When you speak with lawyer candidates, ask about how their fee structure works.

Of course, you want to hire an experienced and skilled attorney, but you want to ensure you can afford his or her services as well.

Many car accident lawyers will use contingency fees. This is to a client’s benefit. With a contingency fee, clients do not have to pay unless they win. You can think of a contingency fee as a percentage of the damages earned.

When a client wins a settlement, the car accident attorney will take a certain percentage as compensation for their legal services. Often a contingency fee is between 33% to 40%.

Yes, percentages can be this high. This is why it is important to receive as big of a settlement as possible!

It is crucial to be upfront with candidates from the beginning and determine what their fee structure looks like.

Ask Candidates About How They Handle Car Accident Cases

Treat your consultations with different candidates as an interview. Ask them questions that matter. A key question that should be a topic of discussion is how do they approach car accident cases? What does their process look like?

In consultations, lawyers will try to sell themselves and their services. Listen carefully and if you have any follow-up questions, be sure to ask them. Let the attorney explain his or her methods in detail and see if they have a strong course of action.

Legal Advice and More!

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