Nowadays, college accreditation is one of those terms you can hear a lot when applying for further education or jobs but not much in other circumstances, making it difficult to know what it is, why it is important and who does it. Most people know that the program they want to take needs to be accredited, but it is not always this way, and many people end up with expensive and useless degrees because of it.

What is College Accreditation Exactly?

Accreditation means that the college, university or tech school has been approved as a quality source for education by professional accreditation bodies in that sector. For instance, your local tech school may offer online coding courses in a program approved by the Accrediting Body for Engineering and Technology, ABET. Large schools often go through a lengthy accreditation process regularly. For example, the Grand Canyon University accreditation list will have multiple dates and accrediting bodies for each program and institution.

Why Is College Accreditation So Important?

Having a standard for educational programs ensures that the classes you take will conform to professional standards for the industry. For instance, taking courses through organizations like the Grand Canyon University accreditation professionals nursing program means you can list any certifications or degrees on your resume, and future employers will see that you meet the educational standard.

Who Actually Does The Accreditation?

School accreditation is ultimately overseen by the state and federal departments of education accreditation bodies, which usually do not give out credentials but facilitate institutions achieving certification by keeping an approved list of accrediting bodies for various industries and professions. This was standardized by the oversight required in the Higher Education Act because, in the past, colleges and universities without accreditation failed to inform students of the importance.

College accreditation is a lengthy process that can be expensive for the institution looking to gain credentials for the first time. It is, however, an essential part of standardizing education so that students and their future employers are confident that the training will match the expectations of the job.