It seems like these days every business needs a high-quality point of sale system. For business owners wanting the best and most convenient, you cannot beat the new Clover software: Clover 2.0. It comes with many advanced features you will not find with other POS systems, and it will make your business stand out from the competition. Clover has been a leader in the POS industry for a few years now, and you can start benefitting today.

Software Upgrades

Clove 2.0 from Merchant Account Solutions comes with various features in the new software that will benefit you and your employees. The purpose of these redesigns was to make the system more usable for full-service restaurants. Previous iterations of the software did not suit certain types of establishments, but those issues are a thing of the past with Clover 2.0. You now receive a more streamlined experience from start to finish.

Hardware Upgrades

The original Clover hardware was sleek, but Clover 2.0 makes a few improvements on the model. For example, the old system lacked the ability to accept chip cards. Banks are issuing more chip cards than ever before, and a business that cannot accept them will quickly fall behind. In the old model, you could buy additional hardware to plug into the system to accept chip cards, but that was just an additional expense. With Clover 2.0, everything you need to accept credit card payments is right there. There are several other advantages to be gained, including:

  • Customer-facing printer display
  • Fingerprint scanning
  • A bigger screen


Customers expect service at the palm of their hands. Sometimes, you have to bring your business to the consumers, and that means having a POS system you can take everywhere with you. You can upgrade your POS system with features like Clover Flex. You can plug this device into your smartphone or tablet and accept payments from anywhere. This is great at conferences or other events where you may sell your products or services away from your usual storefront. It also makes it easy to keep track of all the income you earn on the road, so you do not forget anything.

Sign-Up for Loyalty Programs

Clover 2.0 offers the best in user friendliness with how simple it makes it to sign up for a company’s loyalty program. You should absolutely offer one at your business to reward your return customers. However, people will only sign up if it is easy to do so. With Clover 2.0, customers only need to put in basic information, and they are ready to go. When they return, they only have to input one thing, and they reap the benefits.

There are a lot of great features to get with Clover 2.0, and you should keep an eye out for new features as they come up. If you have not yet integrated your business with a top-of-the-line POS system, then you need to do it immediately. You do not want your business to fall behind. It is a great time to buy a high-quality POS system, so buy yours as soon as you can.