5 Tips on Workplace Safety
Employees who feel safe and secure at work are more likely to enjoy their jobs and feel a sense of loyalty to the company. That is why company’s are obligated to provide safety to their employees regardless of how services are rendered. The nature of work in some professions expose employees to various number of risks.
When working in an office or retail environment, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and in your interactions with others. Good workplace safety practices will not only benefit the present but also our future. Here are 5 ways you can have a healthier and safer workplace.
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1. Asbestos Exposure
The risk of asbestos exposure is of serious concern for workers in many industries. Asbestos-related illnesses, including mesothelioma, have been tied to workers’ exposure to the chemical substance in a variety of industries, most notably construction, shipbuilding, and the automotive industries. Because asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, its use has been widespread since ancient times. Its resistance to fire and heat makes it an excellent insulator, and it is commonly used as a building material.
Later, the use of asbestos spread to other industries where insulation from heat was required. When substances that have asbestos in them break or worn out, they release fibers, which can then be inhaled by anyone nearby, causing mesothelioma or other lung-related diseases. The high probability of inhaling airborne asbestos, and the deadly consequences it carries, make it essential that you should learn more about the ways to deal with asbestos exposure.
2. Workplace Training and Emergency Protocols
If you are an employer, it is your responsibility to provide a safe working environment for your workers. This means providing training on how to handle heavy machinery and dangerous chemicals.
Prioritizing employee safety will not only ensure their safety and productivity, but it could also mean avoiding losses in the form of costly accidents.
The best way to ensure employee safety is by developing and following an emergency protocol. These protocols should be documented in a written plan which should be provided to all employees. When employees are trained in the emergency protocols, they will know what to do in case of an emergency. They will also know who to contact in case of an emergency.
3. Personal Protective Equipment
Wearing protective equipment for ensuring workplace safety is a requirement in certain professions, especially if you are working in an environment that has a lot of bio and chemical hazards. The gear that is used by professionals working in hazardous environments comes in many different shapes and types, i.e. oxygen tanks and masks for protection from dust and airborne particles; gloves to protect hands from cuts, abrasions, and punctures; respirators, which protect lungs from harmful fumes, gases, or other airborne particles; hearing protection helps reduce the risk of hearing loss due to loud noises; and eye protection protects the eyes from flying objects, corrosive chemicals, and intense light.
Wearing personal protective equipment ensures your safety at work. But, before you go into a hazardous environment wearing a PPE, you should make sure that the suit fits and is comfortable enough so that it allows for free movement. Tight-fitted suits might hamper your ability to do your work. A PPE should be immediately replaced for a new one if it sustains tears and damages. The risk of using a defective PPE is too much to take, and you should properly inspect the suit for any damages before donning it to work.
4. Cleanliness
Ensuring that your workstation is clean is a basic employee etiquette. Proper cleanliness protocols should be followed in the washrooms, lifts, and cafetaria. A clean workplace reflects well on the overall image of the organization and the employees. A clean workspace also helps to ensure that your employees are comfortable, which makes them more productive.
5. Immediate Reporting of Unsafe Working Conditions
If you work with heavy machinery, toxic chemicals, or other potentially hazardous materials at work, it is important to keep your workspace as safe as possible not only for yourself but for your co-workers and customers as well.
Unsafe working conditions can lead to serious injuries and even death. You should report any potential safety hazards straight to your employer or supervisor. Instead of looking for someone to blame, your employer should fix the problem at the earliest before anyone is harmed.
Workplace safety is a major business concern because the organizations have so much riding on their employees’ safety. Some working conditions have a lot of risks involved, and it is under those conditions that the organization should implement proper protocols to ensure employee safety. Whether it be heavy machinery, toxic chemicals, or bio hazardous materials, proper protection is paramount at all times.