In running a business,making sure you please your customers is key to sticking around.

That said do you sense there is more you could be doing when it comes to serving customers?

If you said yes, what steps will you take moving ahead to better meet their needs?

Don’t Take Customer Service for Granted

In doing what it takes to meet the needs of your customers, here are three keys to think about:

1. Listen to what they say – One of the key things you can do as a business owner is to listen to what your customers have to say. Not hearing them can be one of the fastest ways to lose their business. So, do your best to listen to their needs as it relates to doing business with you. If they have a question or even complaint about you and your business, be sure to give them your full attention. Doing so can go a long way in improving the odds you keep them as a customer.

2. Provide them the best in products – As key as service is, also take the time to look at products you put forth. For example, if you offer massage or spa services, do you have all the products in place a customer would want? Things such as a hot towel warmer and other wanted products need to be in your inventory. Do your best to not fall short. That is in products and services offered to each person to come through your door or you serve online. If your competition is beating you to the punch with products, odds are many will go to your competitors.

3. Finding top talent – Unless you are the sole employee at your place, it is critical to find talented folks. With that thought in mind, have you been doing a good job of hiring? While you may get the occasional bad hire or two, you do not want to make a habit of such things. Doing so could lead you to have employee morale issues. It can also mean problems with serving customers and more. The key is to take all the time needed in getting the right people in the right spots at your business. Keep in mind that your employees are often the first voice customers hear or the initial face they see. So, if you have too many of the wrong employees in place, you may end up giving off a bad first impression to customers. As important as hiring the right people is, also make it a point to provide your employees room for growth. Doing so can motivate many of them to work even harder for you.

At the end of the day, there is no doubt running a business is a full-time job and then some.

With that in the back of your mind, you want to make sure the people you serve come away knowing you gave them your best.