In America, about 25% of all workers say that their job is the biggest stressor of their lives. Many Americans bring that stress home and find it difficult to relax after work.

It’s important to relax your mind after a stressful day at work so that it doesn’t affect your personal life or cause burnout. If you’re struggling to find relaxation techniques, the following guide can help.

Read on to learn 12 fantastic ways to relax and unwind after a day of hard work.

1. Cooking a Meal

To some, cooking might seem like a chore rather than a way to de-stress from work. But making a tasty meal that you love to eat is a great stress relief technique.

Consider planning out a few new recipes to try throughout the week after work. Focusing on following the recipes will help keep you present instead of worrying about work.

If you don’t have an appetite when you clock out, you might not feel motivated to start cooking. Try dry herb cannabis vaping to help boost your appetite and relax.

2. Exercise

Exercising can boost your mood and help you relax after working all day. It’s important to mix it into your weekly routine, especially if you have a job that keeps you sitting all day.

Things like running, walking, hiking, or bike riding around your neighborhood also help you get outside for fresh air. You can even listen to music or a podcast while exercising to help take your mind off work.

On the other hand, it might be nice to leave your phone at home while exercising some days for a little extra peace and quiet. Phone or not, exercising helps release endorphins to make you feel great and forget about work for a bit.

3. Reading

Cracking open a book can help you enter a new world and forget about workplace stressors. It’s a great way to relax and entertain yourself at the same time while the tension from work fades away.

Reading new books can also help you improve your memory, critical thinking, and attention span. You won’t find these great benefits or calming effects from scrolling on your phone or watching TV.

4. Writing

It’s important to have a way to express your thoughts and feelings after a grueling day at the office. Consider starting a journal that you can write in once you get home.

You can write about your feelings, goals, and future plans to help you destress. Journaling helps process emotions and solve problems more effectively.

If you journal regularly, it gives you the opportunity to better understand yourself. There aren’t any requirements for your entries; you can write as much or as little about anything you want.

5. Music

You can start listening to music to unwind from work as soon as you clock out. Find a playlist or an artist that calms you down on your commute home to get a relaxing jumpstart.

Once you get home, you can add music to other relaxing activities like exercising, cooking, and painting. You can even find tracks that help you fall asleep before bed to get better rest at night.

If you play an instrument, set aside time each night to play after work. Much like cooking, playing a musical instrument demands your focus so you can’t dwell on work issues.

6. Take a Bath or Shower

If you take a shower to start your day, you might consider switching it to after work. That way you have one less thing to do in the morning before you head off to work.

Let the warm water wash away any tension from the office and give your muscles a break. If you take a bath, add some Epsom salt to the water and light some candles to enhance the experience.

You can schedule your shower or bath after a workout to create an even better calming effect before bed. If you want, play some spa music or read a book while you soak in the tub and forget about your work worries.

7. Meditation

Meditation is a great way to reset your mind after a strenuous workday. It can help decrease your stress levels and reduce any anxiety you’re holding onto.

Much like reading, meditation helps improve your focus and memory as well. It’s another calming technique that pairs well with others, too.

If the weather outside is nice, consider meditating on the back porch or at a nearby park. You might also want to exercise, take a bath, then meditate before bed for a relaxation trifecta.

Just find a quiet place and set a time limit for your meditation. Focus on your breath and body instead of letting your thoughts wander. The more you meditate, the better you’ll become at it, and the greater the benefits.

8. Unplug

If your phone keeps buzzing and you keep checking email alerts, don’t expect to find much relaxation after work. If possible, shut off your work phone right after your shift ends, and don’t turn it back on until the next work day.

If you turn off your phone, you can avoid doing extra work and answering emails off the clock. It can also help you get better sleep, which helps process stress the next day.

It’s also a great way to give your eyes a much-needed break. If you look at a screen all day, you don’t want to do the same thing once you get home.

9. Calming Aromas

After a long day at the office, try surrounding yourself with soothing scents to help improve your mood and de-stress. For example, you could light a candle with a delicate and calming scent such as lavender or vanilla.

You can also use diffusers for essential oil aromas like jasmine or cedarwood to help you find peace after a hectic day. Incenses also work well and even help neutralize the scent of your home after cooking a meal.

10. Breathing Exercises

Taking deep breaths can help reduce stress and anxiety and stop panic attacks in their tracks. The best part, breathing exercises only take a few minutes and you can do them anywhere.

You can do them while sitting, standing, lying in bed, or on a yoga mat. Find a position that’s comfortable and take off any clothing that might restrict your breathing.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and let your breaths travel deep into your stomach. Hold each breath for about 5 seconds and then exhale for about another 5 seconds, over and over, for around 5 minutes.

11. Get Creative

Crafting can help you get rid of negative energy and give you a sense of accomplishment as well. You could knit, paint, draw, write a poem, write a song, make jewelry, or anything else that interests you.

Consider making a vision board to get some of the same goal-setting benefits of journaling. If you have the space, you might even start woodworking or doing something like restoring an old vehicle.

The sky is the limit when it comes to creative activities, but the main objective is to distract yourself from work issues. At the end of a creative project, you’ll also have something to be proud of other than workplace achievements.

12. Making Plans With Friends

After a long day, you might just want to be alone and have a little peace and quiet. However, try to schedule some plans with friends at least once a week.

It’s good to get out of your home and workplace to break things up and stay out of ruts. Plus, you can vent to your friends about workplace issues so that you don’t hang onto them and let them bring you down.

Scheduling outings with friends also gives you something to look forward to each week. You might have a terrible Tuesday at the office, but at least you know you have a dinner planned with your best buds for Friday.

You might even combine friend outings into your exercise routine. That might include things like memberships to the same gym, hiking together, or even joining a recreational sports team together.

Easily Relax and Unwind

Remember this guide so that you can relax and unwind after work each day to improve your mental health and relationships. Consider mixing and matching relaxation techniques until you find what works best for you and your goals.

Take a look at our site’s health and fitness category for more excellent ways to decompress after your daily grind.