Wondering how long it will take to recover from hip replacement surgery?

Hip surgery is one of the most successful and beneficial procedures used today. It’s helpful for older individuals with pain arising from osteoarthritis or another similar degenerative condition.

Yet, a hip replacement is still a major surgery that requires a good deal of recovery time. The good news is that the recovery timeline is much quicker than it used to be. It’s also much easier to manage than older, more invasive surgeries.

If you’ve undergone surgery and are wondering about the hip replacement recovery process, here’s what you should know.

Hospital Stay

The length of hospital stay for hip replacement surgery recovery can vary depending on several factors. These are the individual’s age, health, and the extent of the surgery. Most patients stay in the hospital for one to three days following the surgery.

During this time, the patient’s vital signs will be monitored. It will also check the given pain medication to manage discomfort. Physical therapy will also begin during the hospital stay.

It will help the patient regain mobility and strength in the hip joint. In some cases, patients may need a more extended hospital stay. Thus, there are any complications or if the patient has an underlying medical condition.


After leaving the hospital, patients will begin a rehabilitation program. It helps them regain mobility, strength, and flexibility in the hip joint. This program includes physical therapy exercises, which may be performed at home or in a rehabilitation center.

The duration of the rehabilitation program can vary depending on the individual’s progress and the extent of the surgery. Some patients may need several weeks of physical therapy, while others must have several months.

Patients must stick to their rehabilitation program. They have to attend all scheduled therapy sessions.

It will achieve the best possible outcome. Patients need to follow their doctor’s instructions during the rehabilitation process. It is to avoid causing damage to the new hip joint.

Pain Management

Patients will experience some pain and discomfort after the surgery. It is vital to manage this pain to ensure a smooth recovery.

After the surgery, patients will be given pain medication. It may include non-narcotic pain relievers. These include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and more vital prescription pain medication such as opioids.

Taking medicine as prescribed and not exceeding the recommended dosage is essential.

Patients can also use other pain management techniques like ice or heat therapy. Ice can help reduce swelling and inflammation. Thus, heat can help relax muscles and improve blood flow.

Patients should discuss these options with their doctor to determine the best pain management strategy.

It is crucial to continue to manage pain as needed. It will avoid complications or setbacks in the recovery process. Patients should discuss any concerns they have about pain management with their doctor or healthcare team.

Weight-Bearing Restrictions

Weight-bearing restrictions are common after hip replacement surgery. The extent of the limits will depend on the type of surgery performed and the individual’s specific needs.

Patients will be advised to avoid putting too much weight on the affected leg for the first several weeks after surgery. Patients may need a walker, crutches, or a cane to help distribute weight and reduce stress on the hip joint. The healthcare team will provide instructions on how to use these mobility aids properly.

Patients should also avoid bending at the hip joint beyond 90 degrees. They also need to avoid crossing their legs for several weeks after surgery.

It is to prevent dislocation of the new hip joint. Patients should sleep with a pillow between their legs to keep the affected part neutral.

Follow-up Appointments

Follow-up appointments are an essential part of the hip replacement recovery process. Patients have several follow-up appointments with their healthcare team. It will check their progress and ensure the hip joint is healing properly.

The first follow-up appointment is usually scheduled within a few weeks after the surgery. During this appointment, the healthcare team will test the surgical procedure site. They will also check the patient’s vital signs.

Then follow-up appointments will be scheduled as needed. It depends on the individual’s progress and the extent of the surgery.

These appointments may include imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRIs. It will check the healing process and ensure the new hip joint functions correctly.

Return to Normal Activities

The timeline for returning to normal activities after total hip replacement surgery can vary depending on several factors. This is the extent of the surgery.

Individuals’ health and physical condition also need to be considered. In general, most patients can resume light activities of daily living, such as dressing and bathing, within a few days of the surgery.

Patients should avoid strenuous activities, such as lifting heavy objects or participating in high-impact exercises, for several weeks or months after the surgery. The healthcare team will guide when it is safe to resume these activities and may recommend in-home physical therapy to help build strength and flexibility in the hip joint.

Returning to work will depend on the individual’s job requirements and physical condition. Patients with sedentary jobs may be able to return to work within a few weeks of the surgery, while those with more physically demanding jobs may need several months to recover fully.

Patients should consult with their healthcare team about when it is safe to resume normal activities and work. Following their guidance and attending all scheduled follow-up appointments can help ensure a successful recovery and a smooth return to normal activities.

Know the Hip Replacement Recovery Now

The hip replacement recovery process can be difficult and daunting, but with support and the proper knowledge, it can be a positive experience! Talk to your doctor about what steps you need to take during your recovery and get back on your feet soon.

For better health, please don’t delay your recovery and follow our quick guide today!

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