In 2022, according to a study, almost 50% of all marriages in the US will end in divorce or separation. It’s clear there are some common issues that marriage struggles with. Some are just part of life and being married, but others can signal larger issues.

If you or someone you know is struggling, then you want to know what problems to expect and how to fix these problems.

So what are the common issues in marriage?

1. Communication Problems

Strong communication problems in a marriage can cause many issues and can be quite difficult to solve. For instance, when couples don’t listen to each other instead of being open-minded, it sets the stage for misunderstandings and mistrust.

In order to solve common issues in marriage, such as communication problems, it is important to have honest and heartfelt conversations and to actively listen to each other. Couples should set specific times to talk, be respectful, focus on one conversation at a time, and communicate openly and honestly.

It is also important to strive to:

  • Understand each other’s unspoken needs
  • Express emotions in a controlled manner
  • Express love, appreciation, and affection

With heartfelt effort, communication problems in marriage can be solved, and understanding between partners can be achieved.

2. Money Issues

Money issues, while perhaps not the most desirable topic to discuss in a marriage, can be some of the most difficult issues to handle in a relationship. When couples experience financial strain, it can lead to arguments, resentment, and anger and can lead to a breakdown in communication.

By talking openly with each other and creating a budget they can both agree upon, couples can rebuild their trust in each other.

It’s also important to practice empathy and try to recognize the perspective of your partner. When making financial decisions, couples should come to a mutual understanding, which can help ease any areas of contention.

3. Lack of Intimacy

One of the most common marital issues that couples struggle to overcome is a lack of intimacy. Intimacy can be physical, emotional, and spiritual and can come in many forms — from the passionate kisses and passionate moments of the earlier days of a relationship to the more subtle love that might be expressed through words and deeds.

The lack of intimacy can create an emotional disconnect and even lead to infidelity if it’s not addressed. A heartfelt effort to rekindle the sparkle does wonders for a struggling marriage. Make time for each other, laugh, talk, and share meaningful moments together.

Have frequent date nights where you can be alone and focus on your partner. Don’t just buy flowers; take time to discover what your partner likes and make meaningful gestures they will know from your heart. And if all else fails, learn more on how to get couples counseling to help you work through the issue and gain insight on how to make your marriage stronger.

4. Trust Issues

Trust issues can be an issue that both parties have to work together to overcome. It’s easy for tension and misunderstandings to arise when the trust isn’t there, and the feeling of betrayal can be confusing and difficult to work through.

Both partners need to be willing to talk calmly and openly about any specific incidents or behaviors that hurt the trust, and each partner’s feelings and perspectives need to be respected. It’s also important to find some activities or behaviors that might help to foster a feeling of trust, like engaging in honest communication and setting boundaries.

5. Household Chores

Common issues in marriage often arise around the household chores – who is responsible for what, how to effectively and fairly manage housework, etc. Each spouse should honestly reflect on their contribution level, then discuss strategies to improve or re-balance contributions.

With clearly defined expectations and plans in place, each partner can be sure their contribution to the household is recognized and honored. Regularly scheduled meetings to review the strategy and acknowledge accomplishments can also be beneficial in maintaining equilibrium.

6. Time Management

Time management often leads to conflicts in many marriages. When different schedules lead to a lack of quality time spent together, it can result in feelings of resentment and disconnection.

Couples should work together to prioritize time spent together. It could be an hour in the morning before the workday starts or a nice dinner once the kids have gone to bed. Talking through the challenges each person is facing can help to clear the air and foster understanding.

Couples should work together to come up with a plan that works for both of them and is realistic and achievable.

7. Parenting Styles

Parenting styles are a significant factor in creating conflict and tension between partners. For example, one partner may have a more structured, authoritative parenting style, while the other has a more ‘hands-off’ approach.

It is important to talk openly and honestly with each other and identify the root causes of the issues. Parents should:

  • Practice ‘family first’
  • Listen to each other
  • Remain respectful during disagreements

With sincere dialogue, understanding, and meaningful effort, couples can come to a resolution and restore harmony in their marriage.

8. In-Laws and Extended Family

Parents, siblings, or other relatives may have expectations that differ from the couple or that cause friction if not respected. However, these issues can be solved with both understanding and respect. Couples must strive to try to understand each other’s family structure and honor it, as well as make sure not to let anyone’s opinion come between them.

9. Personal Differences

Personal differences in marriage can create numerous issues for couples who don’t know how to work together to overcome them. Thankfully, all these issues can be solved with heartfelt effort and, most importantly, by looking at them as growth opportunities.

To address trust issues, couples should be honest and open with one another while learning how to forgive. Taking the time to understand each other can help couples bridge their differences. Learn to appreciate their individual worldviews.

Common Issues in Marriage That Can Be Resolved With Effort

Marriage can be tough but many issues in marriage can be alleviated with two people taking the time to listen to each other and make a heartfelt effort to resolve them. By understanding each other’s feelings and communicating openly, couples can work to create a stronger relationship and bond.

Reach out for help if needed, seek advice, and make your marriage a priority!

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