If you want to avoid long lines or limit the number of porta johns used at your event, renting porta-potties is an excellent option. It is vital to appoint someone who can manage the logistics of the porta potties. Otherwise, your guests may have a messy event.

This article will guide you through the common mistakes with renting porta potties and how to avoid them. It will help prevent these mistakes and ensure that your event goes off without a hitch.

1. Misjudging the Number of Units Needed

Misjudging the number of porta potties needed is one of the most common mistakes while renting portable toilets. It is vital to estimate the number of porta-potties according to the size of the event and the number of guests.

A good rule of thumb is one porta-potty per forty to fifty guests, allowing extra units in heated tents or large crowds. Planning and meeting all needs will help ensure the event runs and all guests remain comfortable.

2. Not Considering the Time

Underestimating the time required to have professional porta potties available is one of the most common mistakes when renting them. People think they’ll only need them for short, quick events like birthday parties. They don’t consider the quantities they’ll need and the frequency with which they’ll need them.

Calculate exactly how many porta-potties your event needs to avoid making this mistake. Consider how long the duration of the event is, the size of the event, and the number of people who will attend. 

3. Failing to Scent the Units

Failing to scent the units is a common mistake with renting porta-potties. It happens when the rental company does not clean or replenish the scent packets inside the unit.

Without that scent, the porta-potties can become pervasive with horrible odors. It is vital to ask if these local porta john rentals are cleaning and refreshing the units with scent packets. 

4. Not Considering Placement Options

Not considering placement options is a common mistake when renting a porta-potty. Poor porta potty placement can cause headaches during the event and detract from a client’s experience.

As such, it is vital to consider all placement options before renting porta-potties. Consider areas including proximity to food and drink stalls, how close the porta potties are to places with higher than regular foot traffic, and whether the toilets are handicap accessible. 

5. Not Having Adequate Maintenance Strategies in Place

Not having adequate maintenance strategies is a common mistake when renting porta-potties. It can lead to issues such as stained seats and blocked drains.

To avoid these issues, it is vital to have a maintenance strategy in place before the event date.

It should include regular porta potty maintenance. It ensures they clean it with cleaning supplies for porta potties. It includes soap, deodorant, and water to maintain hygiene standards. 

Follow This Guide to Avoid Mistakes With Renting Porta Potties

Renting portable toilets is a perfect option for many events, but common mistakes with renting porta potties can lead to inconveniences and added expense. To avoid these issues, having strategies in place, considering placing options, and calculating how many units can be beneficial.

Read all the details to ensure a successful event with porta potties today!

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